SDL_RenderCopyEx blits wrong image (in some cases it's bunch of alternating horizontal lines, some cases it's image from the wrong coordinate, and in some cases it's just a bunch of garbled pixels), when the following conditions are met:
- Use software renderer.
- Enable either horizontal or vertical flip.
- source and destination rectangles must have same width and height, and must be smaller than the size of the texture.
- source rectangle's X and Y coordinates must be 0.
Patch a few warnings when using:
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wdocumentation -Wdocumentation-unknown-command
They are automatically enabled with -Wall
Anthony @ POW Games
SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface makes an internal call to SDL_GetColorKey which can return an error and spams the error log with "Surface doesn't have a colorkey" even though the original function didn't return an error.
The only place angle is activated and causes effect is RenderCopyEx. All other
methods which use vertex shader, leave angle disabled and cause useless sin/cos
calculation in shader.
To get around shader's interface is changed to a vector that contains results
of sin and cos. To behave properly when disabled, cos value is set with offset
-1.0 making 0.0 default when deactivated.
As nice side effect it simplifies GLES2_UpdateVertexBuffer: All attributes are
vectors now.
Additional background:
* On RaspberryPi it gives a performace win for operations. Tested with
[1] numbers go down for 5-10% (not easy to estimate due to huge variation).
* SDL_RenderCopyEx was tested with [2]
* It works around left rotated display caused by low accuracy sin implemetation
in RaspberryPi/VC4 [3]
Signed-off-by: Andreas M?ller <>
Olli-Samuli Lehmus
If one creates a window with the SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP flag, and creates a render target with SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "linear"), and afterwards sets SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "nearest"), after minimizing the window, the scale quality hint is lost on the render target. Textures however do keep their interpolation modes.
SDL now builds with gcc 7.2 with the following command line options:
-Wall -pedantic-errors -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-overlength-strings --std=c99
- Use a single buffer for various non-changing constants accessed by the GPU, instead of multiple buffers.
- Do the half-pixel offset for points and lines using a transform matrix so we don't need a malloc when rendering.
- Don't add a half-pixel offset for other primitives and textures. This matches D3D and GL render behaviour.
- Remove the half-texel texture coordinate offset since it's not needed now that there's no more half-pixel position offset when rendering a texture.
- Don't try to set texture usage on iOS 8 since it doesn't exist there.
Eric wing
There is a tiny bug in the new overscan code for the SDL_renderer.
In SDL_renderer.c, line 1265, the if check for SDL_strcasecmp with "direct3d" needs to be inverted.
Instead of:
if(SDL_strcasecmp("direct3d", SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver())) {
It should be:
if(0 == SDL_strcasecmp("direct3d", SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver())) {
This bug causes the "overscan" mode to pretty much be completely ignored in all cases and all things remain letterboxed (as before the feature).