Adam M.
There are three problems in the code that I see.
1. SW_RenderCopyEx enables a color key on surface_scaled even if the source surface didn't have a color key.
2. SW_RenderCopyEx doesn't copy blend mode, color mod, or alpha mod from src to surface_scaled.
3. When SDL_BlitScaled(src, srcrect, surface_scaled, &tmp_rect) is called, it blends the src pixels into surface_scaled instead of overwriting them (if src has blending, etc. enabled).
I've attached a patch that 1) fixes the three problems that I mentioned, 2) adds the requested performance improvement of using the regular blit function if no rotation or flipping is needed, 3) avoids cloning the source surface if no stretching is required, and simplifies the rotation code slightly.
Simon Deschenes
My build system still shows warning as errors.
The first warning says that the member named instances can never be false (or NULL) as it is a static array, and we should check for instances[index] which we do anyway.
I have debugged the code checking the function calls when Direct3D is the renderer, remember that with software and OpenGL renderers, this issue is not happening.
- Create the texture:
SDL_Texture *pTex = SDL_CreateTexture(pRenderer, iFormat, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, pSurf->w, pSurf->h);
- Update the texture:
SDL_UpdateTexture(pTex, NULL, pSurf->pixels, pSurf->pitch);
SDL_render.c, SDL_UpdateTexture(): return renderer->UpdateTexture(renderer, texture, rect, pixels, pitch);
SDL_render_d3d.c, D3D_UpdateTexture(): if (D3D_UpdateTextureRep(data->device, &texturedata->texture, texture->format, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, pixels, pitch) < 0) {
SDL_render_d3d.c, D3D_UpdateTextureRep(): if (D3D_CreateStagingTexture(device, texture) < 0) {
SDL_render_d3d.c, D3D_CreateStagingTexture(): result = IDirect3DDevice9_CreateTexture(..., D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, ...) --> FAIL! with INVALIDCALL code
After checking a bit the Microsoft documentation, I found this:
The call that fails, is using D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET with D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM which is unsupported, hence the INVALIDCALL return code.
Andreas Ragnerstam
I have two windows where one has a renderer where the logical size has been changed with SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize. When I get SDL_MOUSEMOTION events belonging to the non-scaled window these will have been scaled with the factor of the scaled window, which is not expected.
Adding some printf debugging to SDL_RendererEventWatch of SDL_render.c, where (event->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION), I found that for every mouse motion SDL_RendererEventWatch is called twice and the event->motion.x and event.motion.y are set twice for the event, once for each renderer where only the last one set will be saved to the event struct. This will work fine if both renderers have the same scale, but otherwise the motion coordinates will be scaled for the renderer belonging to another window than the mouse was moved in.
I guess one solution would be to check that window == renderer->window for SDL_MOUSEMOTION events, similar to what is done for when SDL_WINDOWEVENT events.
I get the same error on both X11 and Windows.
The same problem also exists for SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP events.
An existing hint lets apps that don't need the timer resolution changed avoid
this, to save battery, etc, but this fixes several problems in timing, audio
callbacks not firing fast enough, etc.
Fixes Bugzilla #2944.