using HeavenStudio.Util;
using HeavenStudio.InputSystem;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using DG.Tweening;
using NaughtyBezierCurves;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
using static Minigames;
public static class NtrSamuraiLoader
public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller)
return new Minigame("samuraiSliceNtr", "Samurai Slice (DS)", "b6b5b6", false, false, new List<GameAction>()
new GameAction("bop", "Bop")
function = delegate {var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; SamuraiSliceNtr.instance.Bop(e.beat, e.length, e["whoBops"], e["whoBopsAuto"]); },
resizable = true,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("whoBops", SamuraiSliceNtr.WhoBops.Both, "Who Bops?", "Who will bop?"),
new Param("whoBopsAuto", SamuraiSliceNtr.WhoBops.None, "Who Bops? (Auto)", "Who will automatically begin bopping?")
new GameAction("melon", "Melon")
function = delegate
SamuraiSliceNtr.instance.ObjectIn(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, (int)SamuraiSliceNtr.ObjectType.Melon, (int) eventCaller.currentEntity["valA"], eventCaller.currentEntity["2b2t"]);
defaultLength = 5,
new Param("2b2t", false, "Melon2B2T", "Should the melon be reskinned as the 2B2T melon?"),
new Param("valA", new EntityTypes.Integer(0, 30, 1), "Money", "The amount of coins the melon spills out when sliced"),
new GameAction("fish", "Fish")
SamuraiSliceNtr.instance.ObjectIn(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, (int)SamuraiSliceNtr.ObjectType.Fish, (int) eventCaller.currentEntity["valA"]);
defaultLength = 7,
new Param("valA", new EntityTypes.Integer(0, 30, 1), "Money", "The amount of coins the fish spills out when sliced"),
new GameAction("demon", "Demon")
SamuraiSliceNtr.instance.ObjectIn(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, (int)SamuraiSliceNtr.ObjectType.Demon, (int) eventCaller.currentEntity["valA"]);
new Param("valA", new EntityTypes.Integer(0, 30, 1), "Money", "The amount of coins the demon spills out when sliced"),
//backwards compatibility
new GameAction("spawn object", "Toss Object")
SamuraiSliceNtr.instance.ObjectIn(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, eventCaller.currentEntity["type"], (int) eventCaller.currentEntity["valA"]);
defaultLength = 8,
new Param("type", SamuraiSliceNtr.ObjectType.Melon, "Object", "The object to spawn"),
hidden = true
new List<string>() { "ntr", "normal" },
"ntrsamurai", "en",
new List<string>() { "en" }
namespace HeavenStudio.Games
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Scripts_NtrSamurai;
public class SamuraiSliceNtr : Minigame
public enum ObjectType
public enum WhoBops
Samurai = 2,
Children = 1,
Both = 0,
None = 3
public NtrSamurai player;
public GameObject launcher;
public GameObject objectPrefab;
public GameObject childParent;
public Transform objectHolder;
public BezierCurve3D InCurve;
public BezierCurve3D LaunchCurve;
public BezierCurve3D LaunchHighCurve;
public BezierCurve3D NgLaunchCurve;
public BezierCurve3D DebrisLeftCurve;
public BezierCurve3D DebrisRightCurve;
public BezierCurve3D NgDebrisCurve;
//game scene
public static SamuraiSliceNtr instance;
public GameEvent bop = new GameEvent();
const int IAAltDownCat = IAMAXCAT;
const int IAAltUpCat = IAMAXCAT + 1;
protected static bool IA_PadAltPress(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.South, out dt);
protected static bool IA_BatonAltPress(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetSqueezeDown(out dt);
protected static bool IA_TouchAltPress(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch.Tap, out dt);
protected static bool IA_PadAltRelease(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad.South, out dt);
protected static bool IA_BatonAltRelease(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetSqueezeUp(out dt);
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_AltDown =
new("NtrSamuraiAltDown", new int[] { IAAltDownCat, IAAltDownCat, IAAltDownCat },
IA_PadAltPress, IA_TouchAltPress, IA_BatonAltPress);
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_AltUp =
new("NtrSamuraiAltUp", new int[] { IAAltUpCat, IAFlickCat, IAAltUpCat },
IA_PadAltRelease, IA_TouchBasicRelease, IA_BatonAltRelease);
private void Awake()
instance = this;
SetupBopRegion("samuraiSliceNtr", "bop", "whoBopsAuto", false);
public override void OnBeatPulse(double beat)
int whoBopsAuto = BeatIsInBopRegionInt(beat);
bool goBopSamurai = whoBopsAuto == (int)WhoBops.Samurai || whoBopsAuto == (int)WhoBops.Both;
bool goBopChild = whoBopsAuto == (int)WhoBops.Children || whoBopsAuto == (int)WhoBops.Both;
if (goBopSamurai) player.Bop();
if (goBopChild) childParent.GetComponent<NtrSamuraiChild>().Bop();
void Update()
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_AltDown))
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_AltUp) && player.IsStepping())
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_FlickPress))
public void Bop(double beat, float length, int whoBops, int whoBopsAuto)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
BeatAction.New(instance, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat + i, delegate { BopSingle(whoBops); })
void BopSingle(int whoBops)
switch (whoBops)
case (int)WhoBops.Samurai:
case (int)WhoBops.Children:
case (int)WhoBops.Both:
public void DoStep()
launcher.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("Launch", -1, 0);
public void DoUnStep()
launcher.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("UnStep", -1, 0);
public void DoSlice()
if (player.IsStepping())
public void Bop(double beat, float length)
bop.length = length;
bop.startBeat = beat;
public void ObjectIn(double beat, int type = (int)ObjectType.Melon, int value = 1, bool funnyMinecraft = false)
var mobj = GameObject.Instantiate(objectPrefab, objectHolder);
var mobjDat = mobj.GetComponent<NtrSamuraiObject>();
mobjDat.startBeat = beat;
mobjDat.type = funnyMinecraft ? (int)ObjectType.Melon2B2T : type;
mobjDat.holdingCash = value;
public NtrSamuraiChild CreateChild(double beat)
var mobj = GameObject.Instantiate(childParent, objectHolder);
var mobjDat = mobj.GetComponent<NtrSamuraiChild>();
mobjDat.isMain = false;
mobj.GetComponent<SortingGroup>().sortingOrder = 7;
return mobjDat;