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Monkey watch (#555) * basic setup+inputs this is gonna be so annoying to optimize i am SO overwhelmed with the options that i have object pooling, disabling the monkeys, literally just placing them manually... idk. * custom monkeys + more setup stuff it's all coming together . * a few tweaks committing to update the spritesheet * hi ev * player stuff * player anims * particles * more of prefab * upscale for this sheet * prefab more * oops * anims n stuff * assign the stuff, a little bit of rotation * better sheet * balloon sheet * particles * Revert "particles" This reverts commit fe4d589731a3ceacc7d80b7fde520f87b1c6e745. * Revert "Revert "particles"" This reverts commit ce117b280d4bd7400bd40260f4d858f2d5fba9e3. * fixed the watch outline + pink monkey prefab variant the bccad really is a life saver * anims for monkeys * convert to dictionary yippee for dictionaries * better camera * click animations are all done * custom monkeys are actually good now :) * prefab adjustments * oopps2 * tweaked particles * inactive monkeys/custom monkeys + prefab fixes they should work perfectly now, and the prefab should also need no further adjustment hopefully... * many animations * click fixes * the prefab needed One more adjustment * oops again hopefully the shadow is good now * sheet adjustment * all yellow anims done * progress. starting on the monkeys appear block rn, and then i'll work on the monkey spawning logic. honestly should be pretty easy (and i DON'T think this will be something i look back on as if i was crazy :smile: ) * open / close hole * monkey spawning working better * pink monkey anims * clean slate * gonna test something * proper camera * Camera movements done * pink monkey sounds and a small bug fix * clock arrow now moves * gettin ready to spawn el monkeys * monkeys should spawn now ig * bug fixes * oops * monkeys appear added * more fixes yahoo * shadow tweak * bug fixes * zoom out beginnings * hour more smooth * smooth minute too * it now zooms out lol * middle monkey * oopsie doopsie * hot air balloon * oops * anim * disappear fix * ticks on input now * prepare earlier * tiny tweak * oops again * fixed the input bug * holes * middle monkey anims * fixed layering * zoom out tweaks and shadow movement * camera tweak * tweaks * quad * camera tweak * quart * inspcetor * shadow correct * Okay * zoom out seperation * instant * balloon movement * balloon fixed * fixed particle * icon * fixed beataction parameters * monkey watch camera refactor run sourcegen --------- Co-authored-by: AstrlJelly <bdlawson115@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2024-01-29 03:04:19 +00:00
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