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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using static JSL;
2022-03-14 14:21:05 +00:00
namespace HeavenStudio
public class PlayerInput
static string[] joyShockNames =
"Joy-Con (L)",
"Joy-Con (R)",
"Pro Controller",
"DualShock 4",
static int numDevicesFound = 0;
static int numDevicesConnected = 0;
static int[] deviceHandles;
static Dictionary<int, JOY_SHOCK_STATE> joyBtStateCurrent;
static Dictionary<int, JOY_SHOCK_STATE> joyBtStateLast;
static Dictionary<int, IMU_STATE> joyImuStateCurrent;
static Dictionary<int, IMU_STATE> joyImuStateLast;
public static int InitJoyShocks()
//flush old joyshocks
Debug.Log("Flushing possible JoyShocks...");
numDevicesFound = 0;
numDevicesConnected = 0;
numDevicesFound = JslConnectDevices();
if (numDevicesFound > 0)
deviceHandles = new int[numDevicesFound];
numDevicesConnected = JslGetConnectedDeviceHandles(deviceHandles, numDevicesFound);
joyBtStateCurrent = new Dictionary<int, JOY_SHOCK_STATE>();
joyBtStateLast = new Dictionary<int, JOY_SHOCK_STATE>();
if (numDevicesConnected < numDevicesFound)
Debug.Log("Found " + numDevicesFound + " JoyShocks, but only " + numDevicesConnected + " are connected.");
Debug.Log("Found " + numDevicesFound + " JoyShocks.");
Debug.Log("Connected " + numDevicesConnected + " JoyShocks.");
foreach (int i in deviceHandles)
Debug.Log("Setting up JoyShock: " + joyShockNames[JslGetControllerType(i)] + " ( Player " + i + ", type " + JslGetControllerType(i) + " )");
return numDevicesConnected;
Debug.Log("No JoyShocks found.");
return 0;
public static string GetJoyShockName(int playerNum)
return joyShockNames[JslGetControllerType(deviceHandles[playerNum])];
public static void UpdateJoyShocks()
if (deviceHandles == null || numDevicesConnected == 0) return;
foreach (var id in deviceHandles)
if (joyBtStateCurrent.ContainsKey(id))
joyBtStateLast[id] = joyBtStateCurrent[id];
joyBtStateLast[id] = new JOY_SHOCK_STATE();
joyBtStateCurrent[id] = JslGetSimpleState(id);
//TODO: refactor to allow controller selection (and for split controllers, multiple controllers)
static bool GetJoyBtDown(int bt)
if (deviceHandles == null || numDevicesConnected <= 0) // <= player number in the future
return false;
bt = 1 << bt;
int p1Id = deviceHandles[0];
int curBt = joyBtStateCurrent[p1Id].buttons;
int oldBt = joyBtStateLast[p1Id].buttons;
return ((curBt & bt) == bt) && ((oldBt & bt) != bt);
catch (System.Exception)
return false;
static bool GetJoyBt(int bt)
if (deviceHandles == null || numDevicesConnected <= 0) // <= player number in the future
return false;
bt = 1 << bt;
int p1Id = deviceHandles[0];
int curBt = joyBtStateCurrent[p1Id].buttons;
return (curBt & bt) == bt;
catch (System.Exception)
return false;
static bool GetJoyBtUp(int bt)
if (deviceHandles == null || numDevicesConnected <= 0) // <= player number in the future
return false;
bt = 1 << bt;
int p1Id = deviceHandles[0];
int curBt = joyBtStateCurrent[p1Id].buttons;
int oldBt = joyBtStateLast[p1Id].buttons;
return ((curBt & bt) != bt) && ((oldBt & bt) == bt);
catch (System.Exception)
return false;
public const int UP = 0;
public const int RIGHT = 1;
public const int DOWN = 2;
public const int LEFT = 3;
// The autoplay isn't activated AND
// The song is actually playing AND
// The GameManager allows you to Input
public static bool playerHasControl()
return !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput;
//TODO: refactor for controller and custom binds, currently uses temporary button checks
public static bool Pressed(bool includeDPad = false)
bool keyDown = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z) || GetJoyBtDown(ButtonMaskE) || (includeDPad && GetAnyDirectionDown());
return keyDown && !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput ;
public static bool PressedUp(bool includeDPad = false)
bool keyUp = Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Z) || GetJoyBtUp(ButtonMaskE) || (includeDPad && GetAnyDirectionUp());
return keyUp && !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput;
public static bool Pressing(bool includeDPad = false)
bool pressing = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z) || GetJoyBt(ButtonMaskE) || (includeDPad && GetAnyDirection());
return pressing && !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput;
2022-01-20 01:48:52 +00:00
public static bool AltPressed()
bool down = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X) || GetJoyBtDown(ButtonMaskS);
return down && playerHasControl();
2022-01-20 01:48:52 +00:00
public static bool AltPressedUp()
bool up = Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.X) || GetJoyBtUp(ButtonMaskS);
return up && playerHasControl();
2022-01-20 01:48:52 +00:00
public static bool AltPressing()
bool pressing = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.X) || GetJoyBt(ButtonMaskS);
return pressing && playerHasControl();
2022-01-20 01:48:52 +00:00
public static bool GetAnyDirectionDown()
return (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)
|| Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)
|| Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)
|| Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)
|| GetJoyBtDown(ButtonMaskUp)
|| GetJoyBtDown(ButtonMaskDown)
|| GetJoyBtDown(ButtonMaskLeft)
|| GetJoyBtDown(ButtonMaskRight)
) && playerHasControl();
public static bool GetAnyDirectionUp()
return (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.UpArrow)
|| Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.DownArrow)
|| Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftArrow)
|| Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightArrow)
|| GetJoyBtUp(ButtonMaskUp)
|| GetJoyBtUp(ButtonMaskDown)
|| GetJoyBtUp(ButtonMaskLeft)
|| GetJoyBtUp(ButtonMaskRight)
) && playerHasControl();
public static bool GetAnyDirection()
return (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)
|| Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)
|| Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)
|| Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)
|| GetJoyBt(ButtonMaskUp)
|| GetJoyBt(ButtonMaskDown)
|| GetJoyBt(ButtonMaskLeft)
|| GetJoyBt(ButtonMaskRight)
) && playerHasControl();
public static bool GetSpecificDirectionDown(int direction)
KeyCode targetCode = getKeyCode(direction);
if (targetCode == KeyCode.None) return false;
int targetMask = getButtonMask(direction);
if (targetMask == 0) return false;
return (Input.GetKeyDown(targetCode) || GetJoyBtDown(targetMask)) && playerHasControl();
public static bool GetSpecificDirectionUp(int direction)
KeyCode targetCode = getKeyCode(direction);
if (targetCode == KeyCode.None) return false;
int targetMask = getButtonMask(direction);
if (targetMask == 0) return false;
return (Input.GetKeyUp(targetCode) || GetJoyBtUp(targetMask)) && playerHasControl();
private static KeyCode getKeyCode(int direction)
KeyCode targetKeyCode;
switch (direction)
case PlayerInput.UP: targetKeyCode = KeyCode.UpArrow; break;
case PlayerInput.DOWN: targetKeyCode = KeyCode.DownArrow; break;
case PlayerInput.LEFT: targetKeyCode = KeyCode.LeftArrow; break;
case PlayerInput.RIGHT: targetKeyCode = KeyCode.RightArrow; break;
default: targetKeyCode = KeyCode.None; break;
return targetKeyCode;
private static int getButtonMask(int direction)
int targetKeyCode;
switch (direction)
case PlayerInput.UP: targetKeyCode = ButtonMaskUp; break;
case PlayerInput.DOWN: targetKeyCode = ButtonMaskDown; break;
case PlayerInput.LEFT: targetKeyCode = ButtonMaskLeft; break;
case PlayerInput.RIGHT: targetKeyCode = ButtonMaskRight; break;
default: targetKeyCode = -1; break;
return targetKeyCode;