
112 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Airboarder initial PR (#765) * started working on bon odori * bon odori is now playable, just no animations and sounds * bon odori is functional now, just missing the art, better audio and animations * nothing new, my git is always 1 commit behind * Revert "nothing new, my git is always 1 commit behind" This reverts commit b96a70004de5964902f7bc87d819a9e6047e77fb. * changed the background im only commiting because saladplainzone is gonna do the anims now * Accurate BG * Good prefab * finalized player prefab * Finalize Prefab * More animation stuff * Bow anim done * text is now functional, passing the project to AstrlJelly * merging w master branch * text scrolling is ALMOST functional * scrolling is ALMOST ALMOST functional * FINALLY!!!! TEXT SCOLLING IS DONE!!!!! * TEXT SCROLLING IS (almost) PERFECT!!!! now we gotta wait for the animations * minor bug fixes * TEXT SCROLLING IS ACTUALLY PERFECT NOW. also updated the font * i forgor to change the outline on the fonts * Setup * more working on stuff * more testing * more testing * more testing * some fixes * fixes * testing stuff * fixed some things * a few more fixes * more testing * More fixes * bops and animation adjustments * camera stuff! * Implementing placeholder icon * recolorable sky * fix that bug + format arch file also change the script name * oops --------- Co-authored-by: streitixy <danilomeiraivo@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: saladplainzone <chocolate2890mail@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: streitixy <85808002+streitixy@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: AstrlJelly <bdlawson115@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2024-03-10 01:47:14 +00:00
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