wookywok ef87381cc2
New Rhythm Test GBA Upscale! (#893)
im sorry for taking so long koob...

Just the upscale for now -- I'm gonna do things like the recolorable background and spreadsheet and text and stuff later lol
2024-04-28 02:45:38 +00:00

498 lines
11 KiB

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RhythmTest_0: -129070015
RhythmTest_1: 1021595677
RhythmTest_10: -1624148030
RhythmTest_11: -1495475565
RhythmTest_12: 1879180715
RhythmTest_13: -1038775637
RhythmTest_14: -322805595
RhythmTest_15: -2118066962
RhythmTest_16: -1147192116
RhythmTest_2: -1284653174
RhythmTest_3: -94406700
RhythmTest_4: -1229422663
RhythmTest_5: -1146980633
RhythmTest_6: -1703525979
RhythmTest_7: -265594746
RhythmTest_8: -2036680048
RhythmTest_9: -2033008990
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