* add mouse controller * support different control styles in options deprecate old input check methods * fully functional input actions system * btsds InputAction * blue bear InputAction * more games fix bugs with some input related systems * coin toss re-toss * cheer readers touch * dog ninja touch * multiple games * last of the easy games' touch * more specialized games * specialized games 2 * finish ktb games * remove legacy settings disclaimer * "only" two games left * karate man touch * rockers touch still needs fixes and bad judge strum * DSGuy flicking animation * playstyle chart property * improve performance of minigame preloading * improve look of cursor make assetbundles use chunk-based compression refactor assetbundle loading methods a bit * prime conductor stream playback to stabilize seeking operations * fix air rally swing on pad release * use virtual mouse pointer * add UniTask * make BeatAction use UniTask * implement UniTask to replace some coroutines * add touch style UI elements and effects games now support the ability to define two cursor colours if they need split screen touch inputs * update plugins and buildscript * implement thresholded pointer position clipping * fix clamping * instant show / hide fix discord game SDK crashes
554 lines
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554 lines
21 KiB
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using HeavenStudio.InputSystem;
using static JSL;
using HeavenStudio.Games;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public class LoadOrder : Attribute
public int Order { get; set; }
public LoadOrder(int order)
Order = order;
namespace HeavenStudio
public class PlayerInput
public class InputAction
public delegate bool ActionQuery(out double dt);
public string name;
public int[] inputLockCategory;
public ActionQuery padAction, touchAction, batonAction;
public InputAction(string name, int[] inputLockCategory, ActionQuery pad, ActionQuery touch, ActionQuery baton)
this.name = name;
this.inputLockCategory = inputLockCategory;
padAction = pad;
touchAction = touch;
batonAction = baton;
public const int UP = 0;
public const int RIGHT = 1;
public const int DOWN = 2;
public const int LEFT = 3;
public static InputController.ControlStyles CurrentControlStyle = InputController.ControlStyles.Pad;
static List<InputController> inputDevices;
public delegate InputController[] InputControllerInitializer();
public delegate void InputControllerDispose();
public static event InputControllerDispose PlayerInputCleanUp;
public delegate InputController[] InputControllerRefresh();
public static List<InputControllerRefresh> PlayerInputRefresh;
static List<InputControllerInitializer> loadRunners;
static void BuildLoadRunnerList()
PlayerInputRefresh = new();
loadRunners = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
.Where(x => x.Namespace == "HeavenStudio.InputSystem.Loaders" && x.GetMethod("Initialize", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static) != null)
.Select(t => (InputControllerInitializer)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
t.GetMethod("Initialize", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static),
loadRunners.Sort((x, y) => x.Method.GetCustomAttribute<LoadOrder>().Order.CompareTo(y.Method.GetCustomAttribute<LoadOrder>().Order));
public static int InitInputControllers()
inputDevices = new List<InputController>();
foreach (InputControllerInitializer runner in loadRunners)
InputController[] controllers = runner();
if (controllers != null)
return inputDevices.Count;
public static int RefreshInputControllers()
inputDevices = new List<InputController>();
if (PlayerInputRefresh != null)
foreach (InputControllerRefresh runner in PlayerInputRefresh)
InputController[] controllers = runner();
if (controllers != null)
return inputDevices.Count;
public static int GetNumControllersConnected()
return inputDevices.Count;
public static List<InputController> GetInputControllers()
return inputDevices;
public static InputController GetInputController(int player)
// Needed so Keyboard works on MacOS and Linux
inputDevices = new List<InputController>();
if(inputDevices.Count < 1)
InputKeyboard keyboard = new InputKeyboard();
//select input controller that has player field set to player
//this will return the first controller that has that player number in the case of controller pairs (eg. Joy-Cons)
//so such controllers should have a reference to the other controller in the pair
foreach (InputController i in inputDevices)
if (i.GetPlayer() == player)
return i;
return null;
public static int GetInputControllerId(int player)
//select input controller id that has player field set to player
//this will return the first controller that has that player number in the case of controller pairs (eg. Joy-Cons)
//so such controllers should have a reference to the other controller in the pair
//controller IDs are determined by connection order (the Keyboard is always first)
// Needed so Keyboard works on MacOS and Linux
inputDevices = new List<InputController>();
if(inputDevices.Count < 1)
InputKeyboard keyboard = new InputKeyboard();
for (int i = 0; i < inputDevices.Count; i++)
if (inputDevices[i].GetPlayer() == player)
return i;
return -1;
public static void UpdateInputControllers()
// Needed so Keyboard works on MacOS and Linux
inputDevices = new List<InputController>();
if(inputDevices.Count < 1)
InputKeyboard keyboard = new InputKeyboard();
foreach (InputController i in inputDevices)
public static void CleanUp()
// The autoplay isn't activated AND
// The song is actually playing AND
// The GameManager allows you to Input
public static bool PlayerHasControl()
return !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput;
public static bool GetIsAction(InputAction action, out double dt)
dt = 0;
switch (CurrentControlStyle)
case InputController.ControlStyles.Pad:
return action.padAction(out dt);
case InputController.ControlStyles.Touch:
return action.touchAction(out dt);
case InputController.ControlStyles.Baton:
return action.batonAction(out dt);
return false;
public static bool GetIsAction(InputAction action)
switch (CurrentControlStyle)
case InputController.ControlStyles.Pad:
return action.padAction(out _);
case InputController.ControlStyles.Touch:
return action.touchAction(out _);
case InputController.ControlStyles.Baton:
return action.batonAction(out _);
return false;
public static bool GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad ac, out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)ac, out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)ac, out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad ac, out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)ac, out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)ac, out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetPad(InputController.ActionsPad ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetAction(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)ac);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetBatonDown(InputController.ActionsBaton ac, out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Baton, (int)ac, out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetBatonDown(InputController.ActionsBaton ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Baton, (int)ac, out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetBatonUp(InputController.ActionsBaton ac, out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Baton, (int)ac, out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetBatonUp(InputController.ActionsBaton ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Baton, (int)ac, out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetBaton(InputController.ActionsBaton ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetAction(InputController.ControlStyles.Baton, (int)ac);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetSqueeze()
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetSqueeze();
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetSqueezeDown()
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetSqueezeDown(out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetSqueezeDown(out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetSqueezeDown(out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetSqueezeUp()
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetSqueezeUp(out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetSqueezeUp(out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetSqueezeUp(out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch ac, out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Touch, (int)ac, out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Touch, (int)ac, out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetTouchUp(InputController.ActionsTouch ac, out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Touch, (int)ac, out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetTouchUp(InputController.ActionsTouch ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Touch, (int)ac, out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetTouch(InputController.ActionsTouch ac)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetAction(InputController.ControlStyles.Touch, (int)ac);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetSlide()
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetSlide(out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetSlide(out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetSlide(out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetFlick()
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetFlick(out _);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
public static bool GetFlick(out double dt)
bool a = GetInputController(1).GetFlick(out dt);
return a && PlayerHasControl();
#region Deprecated Input Methods
[Obsolete("Use GetPadDown instead")]
public static bool Pressed()
bool keyDown = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.East, out _);
return keyDown && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadDown instead")]
public static bool Pressed(out double dt)
bool keyDown = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.East, out dt);
return keyDown && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadUp instead")]
public static bool PressedUp()
bool keyUp = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.East, out _);
return keyUp && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadUp instead")]
public static bool PressedUp(out double dt)
bool keyUp = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.East, out dt);
return keyUp && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPad instead")]
public static bool Pressing()
bool pressing = GetInputController(1).GetAction(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.East);
return pressing && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadDown instead")]
public static bool AltPressed()
bool down = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.South, out _);
return down && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadDown instead")]
public static bool AltPressed(out double dt)
bool down = GetInputController(1).GetActionDown(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.South, out dt);
return down && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadUp instead")]
public static bool AltPressedUp()
bool up = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.South, out _);
return up && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadUp instead")]
public static bool AltPressedUp(out double dt)
bool up = GetInputController(1).GetActionUp(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.South, out dt);
return up && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPad instead")]
public static bool AltPressing()
bool pressing = GetInputController(1).GetAction(InputController.ControlStyles.Pad, (int)InputController.ActionsPad.South);
return pressing && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadDown instead")]
public static bool GetAnyDirectionDown()
InputController c = GetInputController(1);
return (c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)UP, out _)
|| c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)DOWN, out _)
|| c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)LEFT, out _)
|| c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)RIGHT, out _)
) && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadDown instead")]
public static bool GetAnyDirectionDown(out double dt)
InputController c = GetInputController(1);
bool r1 = c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)UP, out double d1);
bool r2 = c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)DOWN, out double d2);
bool r3 = c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)LEFT, out double d3);
bool r4 = c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)RIGHT, out double d4);
bool r = (r1 || r2 || r3 || r4) && PlayerHasControl();
dt = Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(d1, d2), d3), d4);
return r;
[Obsolete("Use GetPadUp instead")]
public static bool GetAnyDirectionUp()
InputController c = GetInputController(1);
return (c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)UP, out _)
|| c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)DOWN, out _)
|| c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)LEFT, out _)
|| c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)RIGHT, out _)
) && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadUp instead")]
public static bool GetAnyDirectionUp(out double dt)
InputController c = GetInputController(1);
bool r1 = c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)UP, out double d1);
bool r2 = c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)DOWN, out double d2);
bool r3 = c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)LEFT, out double d3);
bool r4 = c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)RIGHT, out double d4);
bool r = (r1 || r2 || r3 || r4) && PlayerHasControl();
dt = Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(d1, d2), d3), d4);
return r;
[Obsolete("Use GetPad instead")]
public static bool GetAnyDirection()
InputController c = GetInputController(1);
return (c.GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection)UP)
|| c.GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection)DOWN)
|| c.GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection)LEFT)
|| c.GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection)RIGHT)
) && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPad instead")]
public static bool GetSpecificDirection(int direction)
return GetInputController(1).GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection)direction) && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadDown instead")]
public static bool GetSpecificDirectionDown(int direction)
return GetInputController(1).GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)direction, out _) && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadUp instead")]
public static bool GetSpecificDirectionUp(int direction)
return GetInputController(1).GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)direction, out _) && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadDown instead")]
public static bool GetSpecificDirectionDown(int direction, out double dt)
return GetInputController(1).GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection)direction, out dt) && PlayerHasControl();
[Obsolete("Use GetPadUp instead")]
public static bool GetSpecificDirectionUp(int direction, out double dt)
return GetInputController(1).GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection)direction, out dt) && PlayerHasControl();