* *don't* cause a stack overflow when polling split controller * update JSL (DualSense Edge support) add ability to update controller bindings * (temporarily) get rid of everything joy-con pair related * prepare the new controller update JSL * implementation of joycon pair * properly do the material * finish implementation
123 lines
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123 lines
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using static SatorImaging.UnitySourceGenerator.USGFullNameOf;
using SatorImaging.UnitySourceGenerator;
using System.Text;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using HeavenStudio;
// HOW TO USE: Add the following attribute to *target* class.
// Note that target class must be defined as partial.
//[UnitySourceGenerator(typeof(MinigameLoaderGenerator), OverwriteIfFileExists = false)]
public partial class MinigameLoaderGenerator
#if UNITY_EDITOR // USG: class definition is required to avoid build error but methods are not.
#pragma warning disable IDE0051
readonly static string MEMBER_ACCESS = "public static";
readonly static string MAIN_MEMBER_NAME = "LoadMinigames";
static string OutputFileName() => MAIN_MEMBER_NAME + ".cs"; // -> Name.<TargetClass>.<GeneratorClass>.g.cs
static bool Emit(USGContext context, StringBuilder sb)
List<Func<EventCaller, Minigames.Minigame>> loadRunners = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
.Where(x => x.Namespace == "HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders" && x.GetMethod("AddGame", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static) != null)
.Select(t => (Func<EventCaller, Minigames.Minigame>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
typeof(Func<EventCaller, Minigames.Minigame>),
t.GetMethod("AddGame", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static),
// USG: static classes are IsAbstract is set.
if (!context.TargetClass.IsClass)
return false; // return false to tell USG doesn't write file.
// USG: you can modify output path. default file name is that USG generated.
// note that USG doesn't care the modified path is valid or not.
//context.OutputPath += "_MyFirstTest.txt";
// USG: EditorUtility.DisplayDialog() or others don't work in batch mode.
// throw if method depending on GUI based functions.
//if (UnityEngine.Application.isBatchMode)
// throw new System.NotSupportedException("GUI based functions do nothing in batch mode.");
// USG: write content into passed StringBuilder.
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders;
namespace {context.TargetClass.Namespace}
static partial class {context.TargetClass.Name}
// class open ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#region // USG: MainMember
{MEMBER_ACCESS} void {MAIN_MEMBER_NAME}(EventCaller eventCaller)
Minigames.Minigame game;
foreach (var loadRunner in loadRunners)
MethodInfo methodInfo = RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetMethodInfo(loadRunner);
string callingClass = methodInfo.DeclaringType.Name;
string method = methodInfo.Name;
string fullMethodLabel = $"{callingClass}.{method}";
game = {fullMethodLabel}(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
eventCaller.minigames.Add(game.name, game);
Debug.LogWarning(""Game loader {callingClass} failed!"");
// USG: semicolon?
// class close ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// USG: return true to tell USG to write content into OutputPath. false to do nothing.
// only write if changes are made.
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(context.OutputPath))
return true;
string oldContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(context.OutputPath);
return sb.ToString() != oldContent;
#pragma warning restore IDE0051