minenice55 3002e48350
Alternate Control Styles Support ()
* add mouse controller

* support different control styles in options

deprecate old input check methods

* fully functional input actions system

* btsds InputAction

* blue bear InputAction

* more games

fix bugs with some input related systems

* coin toss re-toss

* cheer readers touch

* dog ninja touch

* multiple games

* last of the easy games' touch

* more specialized games

* specialized games 2

* finish ktb games

* remove legacy settings disclaimer

* "only" two games left

* karate man touch

* rockers touch

still needs fixes and bad judge strum

* DSGuy flicking animation

* playstyle chart property

* improve performance of minigame preloading

* improve look of cursor

make assetbundles use chunk-based compression
refactor assetbundle loading methods a bit

* prime conductor stream playback to stabilize seeking operations

* fix air rally swing on pad release

* use virtual mouse pointer

* add UniTask

* make BeatAction use UniTask

* implement UniTask to replace some coroutines

* add touch style UI elements and effects

games now support the ability to define two cursor colours if they need split screen touch inputs

* update plugins and buildscript

* implement thresholded pointer position clipping

* fix clamping

* instant show / hide

fix discord game SDK crashes
2023-10-29 19:44:47 +00:00

82 lines
2.1 KiB

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