Adds a new optional parameter to Multisounds, Soundbytes, and BeatActions, allowing them to ignore swing.
Currently the only game to use these new parameters is Launch Party, but whoever codes Donk-Donk in the future will have a small bit of the weight taken off their shoulders.
* Air Rally Text Update
* Blue Bear Text Update
* Board Meeting Text Update
* Built To Scale DS Text Update
also changed Air Rally's assetbundle tag from "normal" to "keep"
* Catchy Tune Text Update
also changed some minor wording in Board Meeting and Built To Scale DS
* Cheer Readers Text Update
* The Clappy Trio Text Update
* Coin Toss Text Update
* Crop Stomp Text Update
* DJ School Text Update
* Dog Ninja Text Update
* Double Date Text Update
* Drumming Practice Text Update
* Fan Club Text Update
* Fireworks Text Update
* Second Contact Text Update
* Flipper-Flop Text Update
also fix an error in Catchy Tune
* Fork Lifter Text Update
* Glee Club Text Update
* Karate Man Text Update
also minor updates to other games
* Kitties! Text Update
* Launch Party Text Update
* Lockstep Text Update
* Marching Orders Text Update
* Meat Grinder Text Update
also fixed an error in Second Contact
* Mr. Upbeat Text Update
* Munchy Monk Text Update
* Octopus Machine Text Update
* Pajama Party Text Update
* Quiz Show Text Update
also changed some wording in meat grinder
* Rhythm Rally Text Update
* Rhythm Somen Text Update
that was easy
* Rhythm Tweezers Text Update
* Ringside Text Update
* Rockers Text Update
this sucked
* Samurai Slice DS Text Update
* See Saw Text Update
* Sneaky Spirits Text Update
* Spaceball Text Update
* Space Dance Text Update
* Space Soccer Text Update
* Splashdown Text Update
* Tambourine Text Update
* Tap Trial Text Update
* Tap Troupe Text Update
* The Dazzles Text Update
* Toss Boys Text Update
* Tram & Pauline Text Update
also added translation for Fireworks
* Tunnel Text Update
* Wizard's Waltz Text Update
* Working Dough Text Update
* fix compiler errors
* fix editor offset bug(?)
* fix missing param in second contact
* Ball Redispense text
* remove space soccer swing
* Trick on the Class Text Update
* Non-Game Text Update
* fix pre-function sorting
* camera shake ease
* remove a bunch of prints
* rhythm tweezers bug fix
* Update Credits.txt
* ssds nop samurai bop
* swap order of shake properties
* Update FirstContact.cs
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <>
* i love the blue bear
* launch party beginning
* fork lifter fixes
* whiff strum guitar + snekky
* rockers score miss fix
* splashdown tweak
* auto dispense and inactive dispense iteration 1
* fixed some auto dispense bugs
* another small fix
* auto dispense + miss stuff
* fixed mr game and watch being slow boy
* no log
* monk fix
* bg launch aprt
* coint oss layer thing
* tap troupe and double date fixes
* fixing spaceball line
* extended cheer reaers bg
* upbeat constant
* fixed uglyness
* Gomenasai
* fix lines 2
* tram and pauline new sprite
Co-authored-by: ev <>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <>
* Barebones title screen prefab added
* logo and stuff
* cool
* Added sfx to title screen
* The logo now bops to the beat
* epic reveal
* Fixed something
* put some of the stuff into the main menu
* other logo bop
* Implemented logobop2 and starbop
* added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button
* more menu
* ooops
* Expand implemented
* cool
* Made stars spawn in in the opening
* make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios
* add sound while hovering over logo
* add settings menu to title screen
make the title screen properly play after the opening
* swap out title screen hover sound
remove the old config path warning
* every button works, some play mode fixes
* fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing
* fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens
* fix particles rotating when camera controls are used
* touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item
* various changes
make playback (unpausing) more reliable
only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch
fix title screen visuals
add opening music
continue past opening by pressing a key
update credits
* almost forgot this
* lol
* initial flow mems
* user-taggable fonts in textboxes
* alt materials for kurokane
* assets prep
* plan out judgement screen layout
change sound encodings
* start sequencing judgement
* judgement screen sequence
* full game loop
* fix major issue with pooled sound objects
rebalance ranking audio
fix issues with some effects in play mode
* new graphics
* particles
* make certain uses of the beat never go below 0
fix loop of superb music
* make markers non clamped
lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading
* lockstep creates its own rendertextures
swapped button order on title screen
added null checks to animation helpers
disabled controller auto-search for now
* enable particles on OK rank
* play mode info panel
* let play mode handle its own fade out
* fix that alignment bug in controller settings
* more safety here
* Update PauseMenu.cs
* settable (one-liner) rating screen text
* address minigame loading crashes
* don't do this twice
* wav converter for mp3
* Update Minigames.cs
* don't double-embed the converted audio
* studio dance bugfixing spree
* import redone sprites for studio dance
* update jukebox
prep epilogue screen
* epilogue screen
* studio dance inkling shuffle test
* new studio dance choreo system
* markers upgrade
* fix deleting volume changes and markers
prep category markers
* Update Editor.unity
* new rating / epilogue settings look
* update to use new tooltip system
mark certain editor components as blocking
* finish category system
* dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs
* swing prep
* open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart
fix memory copy bug when making new chart
* fix ctrl + s
* return to title screen button
* make graphy work everywhere
studio dance selector
membillion mems
* make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart
* lol
* fix the stupid
* bring back tempo and volume change scrolling
* new look for panels
* adjust alignment
* round tooltip
* alignment of chart property prefab
* change scale factor of mem
* adjust open captions material
no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue)
bugfix for tempo / volume scroll
* format line 2 of judgement a bit better
update font
* oops
* adjust look of judgement score bar
* new rating bar
* judgement size adjustment
* fix timing window scaling with song pitch
* proper clamping in dialogs
better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment)
* disable timeline pitch change when song is paused
enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so
* new app icon
* timing window values are actually double now
* improve deferred timekeep even more
* re-generate font atlases
new app icon in credits
* default epilogue images
* more timing window adjustment
* fix timing display when pitched
* use proper terminology here
* new logo on titlescreen
* remove wip from play
update credits
* adjust spacing of play mode panel
* redo button spacing
* can pass title screen with any controller
fix issues with controller auto-search
* button scale fixes
* controller title screen nav
* remove song genre from properties editor
* disable circle cursor when not using touch style
* proper selection graphic
remove refs
re-add heart to the opening
* controller support in opening
Co-authored-by: ev <>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <>
Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <>
* add mouse controller
* support different control styles in options
deprecate old input check methods
* fully functional input actions system
* btsds InputAction
* blue bear InputAction
* more games
fix bugs with some input related systems
* coin toss re-toss
* cheer readers touch
* dog ninja touch
* multiple games
* last of the easy games' touch
* more specialized games
* specialized games 2
* finish ktb games
* remove legacy settings disclaimer
* "only" two games left
* karate man touch
* rockers touch
still needs fixes and bad judge strum
* DSGuy flicking animation
* playstyle chart property
* improve performance of minigame preloading
* improve look of cursor
make assetbundles use chunk-based compression
refactor assetbundle loading methods a bit
* prime conductor stream playback to stabilize seeking operations
* fix air rally swing on pad release
* use virtual mouse pointer
* add UniTask
* make BeatAction use UniTask
* implement UniTask to replace some coroutines
* add touch style UI elements and effects
games now support the ability to define two cursor colours if they need split screen touch inputs
* update plugins and buildscript
* implement thresholded pointer position clipping
* fix clamping
* instant show / hide
fix discord game SDK crashes
* add entity to collapse function, start on new animation thingy
im gonna use fork lifter to demonstrate DoScaledAnimationFromBeatAsync() cuz it uses animations to cue the peas
also i fixed that months old bug where the fork lifter sfx wasn't playing correctly :/
* animation from beat functional, octo machine converted
this looks fantastic i can't wait to implement this into more things
* better anim function
this is more efficient AND it'll produce more consistent results when starting an animation between tempo changes :D
(it no longer iterates through a list twice)
* make BeatActions coroutines instead of componentrs
* pooled scheduled sounds
implement S' entity seek
* remove debug prints from last two changes
* implement absolute time tracking
implement DSP time resyncing
* optimize GameManager
* update TMPro
* update IDE packages
* fix dsp sync making the drift worse
* fix issue with the JSL dll
* relocate debug print
* make scheduled pitch setter functional
* any cpu
* add Jukebox library
- saving / loading of new format
- inferrence of unknown data like past versions
- move the temporary float casts to proper use of double
- make sound related functions take double for timing
- inform people that the Jukebox sound player was renamed to SoundByte lol
* make sound, input scheduling, and super curve use double precision
* successfully load charts
* editor works again
v1 riqs can be saved and loaded
* first tempo and volume markers are unmovable
fix loading of charts' easing values
* use gsync / freesync
* update Jukebox refs to SoundByte
* game events use double part 1
Air Rally - Glee Club converted
* don't load song if chart load fails
* finish conversion of all minigames
* remove editor waveform toggle
* timeline now respects added song offset length
clear cache files on app close
prepped notes for dsp sync
* update timeline length when offset changed
* update to latest Jukebox
* make error panel object in global game manager
* improve conductor music scheduling
* added error message box
fix first game events sometimes not playing
* air rally assetbundles
* blue bear assetbundles
* board meeting assetbundles
* more board meeting stuff
* built to scale ds assetbundles
* clappy trio & cheer readers assetbundles
agbclap and rvlbooks
* crop stomp assetbundles
* dj school adjustment
* dog ninja assetbundles
* double date assetbundles
* drumming practice assetbundles
NOTE: the mii system will probably need to be changed if we ever use miistudio
* fireworks & first (second) contact assetbundles
agbexplode and ctrinterpreter
* flipper flop assetbundles
* fork lifter assetbundles
* glee club assetbundles
* kitties assetbundles
* launch party assetbundles
* lockstep assetbundles
* meat grinder assetbundles
* mr upbeat assetbundles + meat grinder tag change
* munchy monk assetbundles
* octopus machine assetbundles :cherryhappy:
* Revert "octopus machine assetbundles :cherryhappy:"
This reverts commit a177e9b3c4.
* quiz show assetbundles
* a lot of games because i forgot to commit
* im just gonna start doing these commits in bulk
* all assetbundles except octopus machine & tram and pauline
* octopus machine assetbundles
* add pause menu assets
* layout and animation for pause
* make play mode prefab function
re-assign unused class inheritance
* remove filepath
* don't init medals twice
* remove PlayerActionObject
* initial attempt at anti-note lock
TODO: circumvent inputs clearing themselves making the functionality not work
* properly implement input lock prevention
* fix error on editor open
* functional pause menu
* bugfix
* make unpausing not reset current play statistics
* serialize initializer components in inspector instead of procedurally generating
* sanity check
* note for fade
* make flashes in the camera prefabs instead of in world space
remove / reorganize script files
address issue #411
* fix bug with perfect campaign
make minigame transitions hide the game canvas
adjust animation of the song credits textbox
* fully functional intro scene (placeholder for future title screen)
refactored entire game loading procedure
re-organized some files
* add interaction query to disclaimer text
* reword legal
* anchor section medals to section display
more tempo change placement controls
* operation order bugfix
* prep for future ratings and stats
* loading text
* autoload opening scene
* splash screen adjustments
added setting to force enable splash screen
* adjust setting entry
* second contact sprites
* Started rewriting
* Sound stuff
* foreigner textbox
* default miss message
* implement basic player textbox
* transparency support for textbox
refactor function labels to use C# convention
* avoid double function call with mistranslation
* add mistranslation textbox
* fix logic with trailing translation
* auto-positioning of translated text content
* auto-hide textboxes on start
* icon
* Added two new helper functions for pitching with semitones and cents
* All new sounds should be in now
* bunch of visual fixes
* Fixed stuff being innaccurate
* Repeating voicelines begone!
* Thump sound for bob man
* Put an animator on the crowd
* Fixed missing sprites
* Fixed anim not playing sometimes on barely
* Changed length of pass turn event from 0.5 to 1 beat long
* Downscaled Sprites
* Auto look at
* Fixed bob's textbox not appearing sometimes
* Fixed some small things
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <>
Co-authored-by: Seanski2 <>
* Almost done with space dance stuff additions
* Space dance improvements and additions
* Removed WIP text from Space Dance
* Removed WIP text from launch party and kitties and made the launch pad rotation actually be in the center of the launch pad
* Somewhat Playable Launch Party
Pitches/Animations are almost finished
* idk what you'd call this anymore
* More Launch Party Code
* Actually Approachable Code!
* Some other stuff idk
* Cleanup preparation
* Beginning too rebuild
* Got the rocket and cracker crackin'
* Basics done codewise
* Started setting up the movement of the launch pad
* You can now move da launch pad and rotate it too
* Scrolling Background effect added
* Small tweak
* Name changes
* Rise animation adjustment
* animations stuff
* miss and launch anims are in
* Implemented animations
* Adjusted sizing of launch pad
* Able to change scroll speed, but with major issues
* more anims
* More anim implementations
* more final touches
* Bug fixes
Co-authored-by: Jellirby <>
Co-authored-by: ev <>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <>
This commit includes all the necessary things to get started with Launch Party (base color sprites, prefab, background, and a loader class script). Anyone is welcome to finish it