* Creating the scene Graphics for the stage and the birds have been set up, no animation or editor events yet * Implementation of Rudimentary Functionality Added "pun" blocks with very minimal functionality, and "custom boing" blocks with no functionality. Added functionality to the "bop" block. Incredibly basic animations and sfx implementation. * Implemented functionality to "bop" + pitching sfx pretty much does what the title says. pitching for voicelines is automatic, and scales properly to tempo (based on 98 bpm) * Added "Hai" Bubbles basic functionality and animation for "hai" speech bubbles, bubbles are able appear in a random order * (NEEDS DEBUGGING) Boing block rudimentary implementation All it's trying to do is figure out if the vulture should mess up his pun and it only plays both functions every time no matter what * Animation Dump + misc Properly implemented 6 animations: raven's bop, talk, and ready vulture's bop, talk, and boing Along with implementing proper functionality for puns having random inputs * [DEBUGGING APPRECIATED] Misc Things Attempted to add the slide in/out animations to the birds, but they don't currently work (debugging appreciated) Added and implemented miss sfx, and readjusted the framing of the birds in the scene. * Prepping for Sound Implementation Made a system to brute-force phrase sounds, removed some randomization, added a way to pitch and unpitch Kosuke's voice lines, added a temp icon for Manzai. * Fixed slides made them fancy :3 (easing, combining the blocks, the works (still no slide animation for the birds tho)) * sourcegen * ignore pushing so i can unstash my goddang changes * HD textures and half of an SFX overhaul HD textures speak for themselves, comedians and bubbles are beeg now. SFX are currently halfway through a rework and very broken :( * Finished boings/added short pun animations self explanatory * Some Misc Animation Stuff added move animations, attempted to get "Hai" bubbles to be random but failed, allowed Manzai's inputs to work between game switches * Loads of Input Stuff Making bops not overwrite other animations, making the input system correct with all styles (hopefully), added barelies * More Playability Stuff Added "boing" hit animation, added audience reactions to correct inputs * Lights On/Off Added a toggle for stage lights and shadows for the birbs, plus some misc prefab cleanup * grrrrrrrr made the accent color for manzai purple, and fixed broken shit from trying to move spotlights to children of the birds, have NO idea if github is picking up everything correctly and the branch might be a tad broken now, oopsie * Finished up presentability added donaiyanen bubble, added slap whiff animations, made light toggle block have an actual checkbox instead of simply toggling the lights, did a bunch of logic to allow animations to be only allowed to play at a certain time, attempted and failed to make the hai bubbles be able to move around * Slap whiff animation is able to play sooner during a "boing" block now self explanatory * bleh pushing just to get this shit out of the changed files list * PR-ready-ified added a "WIP" to manzai's title, and commented out all the unfinished shit * ass buns --------- Co-authored-by: ThePurpleAnon <100617766+ThePurpleAnon@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
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