8 astral chain
Law edited this page 2022-10-08 11:58:14 +01:00

Astral chain is fully playable

  • Leave anisotropic filter on default to avoid graphic issues

IMPORTANT: This game have rendering delay/audio desync when loading cutscene/areas due to ASTC textures not being supported on Nvidia and AMD GPUs natively. There are 2 workarounds for this. First is enabling Accelerate ASTC Decoding in Graphics setting can help reduce decoding time (depends on GPU performance). Second, use Intel iGPU. Intel iGPUs support ASTC textures natively which means no delays during texture decoding.

As of 2/20/2022 Game is fully playable on AMD CPU and GPU with minor hitches but cutscenes are perfect on Vulkan High Gpu in Docked mode with 13.0 keys.