* second contact sprites
* Started rewriting
* Sound stuff
* foreigner textbox
* default miss message
* implement basic player textbox
* transparency support for textbox
refactor function labels to use C# convention
* avoid double function call with mistranslation
* add mistranslation textbox
* fix logic with trailing translation
* auto-positioning of translated text content
* auto-hide textboxes on start
* icon
* Added two new helper functions for pitching with semitones and cents
* All new sounds should be in now
* bunch of visual fixes
* Fixed stuff being innaccurate
* Repeating voicelines begone!
* Thump sound for bob man
* Put an animator on the crowd
* Fixed missing sprites
* Fixed anim not playing sometimes on barely
* Changed length of pass turn event from 0.5 to 1 beat long
* Downscaled Sprites
* Auto look at
* Fixed bob's textbox not appearing sometimes
* Fixed some small things
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Seanski2 <seanbenedit@gmail.com>
* munchy
* prefab set up
* fixes
* all the stuff is there
* add scripts and such
ok ev u animate away now
* animations
* eat anim fixes
* set up the stuff for arm animation + temp sfx
i edited the eat animation to be a little longer so that it doesn't blush inbetween inputs but i think it's fine
* basically everything should be ready to animate
* more anims
* just a few things not that much !!!!
* fixed anims
* t two snap working + sfx + dumpling color
title. made lotsa progress, it's looking way better
* animations more
* idk!!! it's some stuff. but im going to bed now
* different colored smears + animators for dumplings
* all animations + sprite fixes
* oops fixed stare
* oops 2
* assigned the animator + just a bunch a' stuff
* All anims!! stache and brow stuff
* i go to bed now 😴
* barelies are working pretty well
* very early hits seem to be working on everything but the two twos
-it's temporarily disabled cause the ScheduleInput doesn't play nice with it
* added starpelly's SuperScroll script
* stare and blush blocks
* modifier block
-only functions to disable the baby for now, will do stuff to how the mustache works in the near future
* changed all cues to be prefunctions that queue up a main cue so that they can be called outside of the game
for whatever reason the FollowHand animation just doesn't wanna play. everything else does! but not the arguably most important one.
* Oops
* ymf pls help meee 😭
* Fixed two two dumpling anim not playing
* Fixed smear
* smear animation + monk animation block
ev do ur magic
* oops didn't save
* smear fix
* general progress, barelies, whateva
* pushing stuff for new unity edition
* monk move block
* fix dumplings spawning in editor scene instead of munchy monk prefab(?)
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
* tiled stepswitchers
* recolourable step switchers
change text used in the properties edit menu
* fix colour setup on game load
* colourize text based on track
* B
* Unrecognized entity support
Due to some recent discoveries about a certain upcoming rhythm game, I have added support for unrecognized entities found in remix.json to be loaded and moved, and be able to save them.
* Discord RPC Toggle
Required for Mac use. Since there is no persistent settings save, it must be re-enabled each time you open the program.
* Revert "Discord RPC Toggle"
This reverts commit 249ee69ecb.
* Revert "Revert "Discord RPC Toggle""
This reverts commit c2eca02e94.
* Remove duplicate song saving
FileMode.OpenOrCreate go brrrrrr
* Delete Properties.meta
whats that still doing there
* Somen Anims
* Icon Updates
* Slurp implemented
* Somen man now resets pose
* Spaceball is no longer too hd
* Spaceball bat fix
Fixed the position of the bat grip thing on air batter's idle
* Mage's upscale downscales
Note to self, do the pure downscale assets later
* Launch party bg upscale
forgot this one oops
* i forgor
changed ct2 bg from 2048 to 4096
* blue bear icon update. again.
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
* meat grinder prefab + sprite cutting/naming done + icon
title :)
* Boss Bop, Miss, & Signal Anims
can you read
* Boss Call Anim
* fix the z axis + new sprite
still working on getting those bops working. they're a bit weird (not the anim itself)
* Restored Meat Grinder Animations
i have no idea what just happened with github but the animations are back
* All Tack Animations Complete
just missing the meat anims
* Literally two lines changed
skull emoji (forgot to set the light meat for the miss anim to inactive by default)
* Meat Grinder Anims (should be) Done
Added the Meat Hit anims
* goodnight
* bopping every beat
* tons of sfx
* meat calls with their corresponding sfx/animations have been added
* prefunctions...
* inputs + sfx + prefunction
making swift progress here :)
* little commit
more cues and animation stuff so that i can have new animations
* Meat Toss Anims
also fixed up some of tack's hit anims to make the smear more consistent
* night night
* moved all the meat stuff to a new script
-this should help with instantiating the meat
* animations are a bit more comprehensive
* man, barelies are way easier than i thought they were gonna be
* instantiating works now
committing to work on my pc instead of my laptop
but i have been getting a lot done with the meat! it's just that most of that stuff is learning what i can't do...
* Boss Animation Tweaks
Adjusted Boss' bop and miss animations
* woohoo animation!
hi sean this is for u. tell me anything to tweak :)
* Quick Meat Toss Anim Fix
Prevents meat from playing the toss animation twice
* meat hit animation works!
sometimes there's a frame where the first frame of its animation pops up but i should be able to fix that
also just general improvements + framework for different meats
* it's done! or at least out of wip!
* you can select which meat type is tossed (defaults to random)
* ghost meat has been busted (it looped back to its first frame of anim sometimes right before being destroyed; i just added a single frame idle.)
* overall just optimized code
* removed WIP from game name
* a few touch-ups
* change all sfx to ogg
-also amplified toss.ogg by 4db, was hard to hear at the same time as hitting a cue
* fixed boss not bopping a beat after a signal
-a very small bit hacky but it really works fine. will fix if any problems come up (but i added a check so that there shouldn't be)
* i have stashed changes :P
* new bg + remove references
* boss weird bopping fixed + game switches fixed
* final touch-ups
* random things just broke
* for whatever reason animation controller for boss got reverted, breaking an animation
* and we forgot to merge two spritesheets instead of just replacing one with the other. oops
* sfx volume lowerd
* ok cool commit time
* added superscroll (MADE BY STARPELLY)
* fixed dog ninja backwards compatibility
* fixed meat grinder's startinterval need
* added d pad controls to dog ninja and meat grinder
* oops forgot to add dpad for dog ninja
* remove d-pad from meat grinder 😢
Co-authored-by: Seanski2 <seanbenedit@gmail.com>
* Got some basics down
* Started on the event stuff
* Stop wail added
* Baton cue added
* quick anim fixes
* Started on hearts and miss faces
* Did anim stuff
* anim fixes
* Together Now!
* Glee Club - Together Now & Anim Fixes
* Forcesing added
* Street Spirit (Fade Out)
* Pitching Slider for conductor voice
* Small tweaks to glee club
* Repeating tickbox added to glee club sing event
* Toggle chorus kid presence added
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: saladplainzone <chocolate2890mail@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
* new letterbox implementation
* make DSP buffer larger
* add new "ambient" letterbox option
* remap keyboard control
* enable autoplay cheat mode
* fix editor settings not being applied on start
* run the cursor init in editor init
remove debug prints
* starting out with double date stuff :D
not even the background is finished
i just wanna get this on my fork so that it's safe
* double date getting more initialized
no animations, one block, nothing actually functions. but the boy is put in place, and the girl is almost put in place! just wanted to merge this with the main branch to play catchy tune
* initialization done!!!!!
gonna fix up the code, see what i can take out, see what i can standardize, see what i need to add. loving this so far, even with all of its annoyances
* ughhhh animation stuff.
this is gonna take me a day or two to even comprehend
* starting on animation
committing cause im traveling, i might work on this if i have time
* replace sounds, extend some stuff
replaced the rhre3 sounds and added a few things to make camera movements not look so out-of-bounds janky. still working on it, but it's coming along good so far
* starting on dog ninja
waiting for bread2unity to get merged, and i'm still probably gonna keep working on dog ninja until it's done even if it does.
* initialization and sprite trimming done
reference is from angrytapper2's video
Throw Object,
Cut Everything!, and
Here We Go!
were the cues added, in that order.
* temp icon w/ mask + bezier curves!!
the icon is temporary, but i did add a mask. i think it looks pretty good :) especially for what it is. also bezier curves. i just figured those out, now i just need to figure out how to implement them into the object.
* getting there
i'm so close to getting the "Cut Everything!" block to work. i'm trying to figure out how to not play it as the default when the game is rendered
* added sfx
* added bird animations
* looked at double date for like 2 minutes
* have been editing blue bear's "treat" block to fit dog ninja for a while now
(im gonna try doing these commit notes from now on)
* keeping trying
* cues have sfx now
- the "throw object" cues are not accurate yet
* animations adjusted to not keep bird on screen
* not much progress rn, getting into the harder stuff
* added more sfx
- it's from rhre3, if somebody can find a clean rip that would be great, cause i can't)
* made a bop animation
- still trying to figure out how to get it to play every beat :/
* replaced throw sfx, was using whiff sfx before
* extended background using a slice of the sky gradient and color picked blocks
* some code added to dogninja.cs and throwobject.cs is... bad. it's just torn from other games.
* i need to work out conflicts
really this is just pushing all my stuff so i don't lose it, tambourine is giving my fork conflicts for some reason 💀
* blehhh
figuring out git some more
* doesn't look like much. but
(god, i suck at C#)
* bop animations, on every beat (will soon make it a toggle)
* bird fly in and out, flies in when not on screen and out when on screen
* did more work on "throwObject.cs" but not anything applicable yet
* also found out how assigning scripts to a prefab works. ugh. so, got all those holders and objects assigned
* trying to get different sfx working for each item
really i just established some structure code. i don't understand it too well, so there are a few things commented out.
* starting with inputs
rn they're broken and i can't tell why :(
* heavily commented out code in ThrowObject.cs
* added option to disable the bird's FlyIn SFX
* some debug stuff
* some scheduled inputs (that AREN'T. WORKING.)
* fixed the input bug
tysm ymf <333 ur my hero
technically this is a functioning game! gonna get different sfx/sprites working, try to get bezier curves working, then i'll make a pr
* fixed that input bug
* changed some variable names
* getting some more infrastructure for getting the game fully working
* double date stuff!!!! (improvements, playability)
* purged SO much code
* combined SoccerBall.cs and Basketball.cs into Ball.cs
- might do that for Football.cs too, but we'll see
* removed bop animation, it looked bad and made double date as a whole look bad cause it didn't reset. so the boy looked a bit off.
- also fixed an error pertaining to animations
* basic input stuff for when bread2unity gets merged
* oh so much infrastructure stuff
* lol commit
* some animation stuff
* sfx stuff
all the different options have sfx tied to them for the throw and slice. now onto sprites and animation...
* added tacobell too :)
* dog ninja going into WIP :D
(commiting rn cause i wanna do some experimental animation)
* one more object :)
* optimized some code
* new sprites are almost done; i've got a list of both the sprites and their halves.
* sprites are in! and goodnight.
* all the sprites go with their corresponding option and sfx
* bird improved slightly
* actual fruit animation
* toggle for random fruits (doesn't work yet)
* textbox for custom objects (doesn't work yet)
- not user-submitted stuff, just stuff that doesn't really fit in the main dropdown menu
* some stuff i don't remember, but it's definitely stuff that's working towards making everything work.
miss anims don't work yet. at all. the objects just go flying. also the slice animation needs to be finished for both sides, and a bool needs to be added for which side to play (will be easy to do) also when you randomly slice, which is determined completely randomly (thank god)
gura-nyuuu :3 (i'm sorry)
* added a single sfx
* custom objects!!
tbh a lot more's coming but i need to merge my stuff
i don't feel like taking notes here
* working on halves
* misc cleaning up stuff
* started on the logic for halves
* progress on halves, cleaning out variables
i need to sync between laptop and pc
* im pretty sure that's all the double date stuff taken out
* neatened up code + better bezier curves
* adjusted bezier curves
- sooo close to perfection but very noticeable stuttering at lower speeds
* changed random to default object option instead of a bool; makes more sense this way
* renaming things, getting code ready for new animations
* commented a bunch of my code
* re-fixing a bunch of stuff that has since broken from updating stuff
- i.e random fruit, sprites, "here we go!" in general, etc.
* new font, stuff fixed
* added [about friend font](https://www.deviantart.com/matthewtheprep/art/About-Friend-Extended-Now-with-Greek-and-Cyrillic-832264925)
* fixed "here we go!"
* some more left or right object animation stuff
* so many things
* fully added custom items
- accessible through a cheat code type system in the drop-down for cues
* changed how the bezier curves function
- only three points now (much smoother) and i just start it much later on the curve
* added AboutFriend font, basically kurokane except free to use
* started more on halves
god, halves are gonna be hard tho
* quick commit
by [d]
* got temp animations in
* temp animations for ev
* replaced ai sprites with ev's (thank you <333)
* getting progress on halves
* cleaned up files
* hi res sprites
* throw both objects + prepare anim
though, i still need to work out how the prepare animation will not play when you need to slice (cues a beat or less apart)
* all dog ninja animations
* forgot some stuff lol
* prep anim done
yay :)
* oops! blend tree moment
(more stuff)
* animation fixes
* more anim fixes lol
* done for the night
* added seanski's new icon
* fixed the sound for both objects getting thrown
* still working on the prepare animation, but for now it's gonna be a block
- if literally anybody wants to implement an auto-prepare that isn't jank be my guest
* halves progress, as usual
* added a new item 😄
* fix conflicts
just saw these in the pr, this commit should fix them
* clean up code/fix prepare block
thank you ymf!!! <333
* code optimizations
* both slice anim + prepare anim fixed
* i have stashed changes i need to work on
* stashed changes
* remade halves lists
* renamed some sprites
-i had funny little names like "tater" and "cuc" but that's a bit confusing
* custom halves don't have the framework for them yet so i was building that too
* half sprites work now
onto making the curve an animation!
(also fixing the text ig)
(ALSO i fixed the prepare stuff (i think))
* unity animation 💀
* Fixed text stuff
* push changes so nothing breaks
hi ymf
* i'll work on this more later
* halves r workin
* oops! all mp3s!
-converted mp3 sfx to ogg
still need to do barelies, then everything is done
* barelies are so close to being done!!!
tweaking + figuring out how position works depending on which side the object was thrown
* stopping for the night
barelies are actually so insanely close to being done it's just a little bit of jank that's holding them back
ill finish this tomorrow.
* it's over. it's finally over. PR TIME!
* final adjustments
* the rest of the barely stuff
* clean up the code a little
* halves look a lot better
gonna remove all my enum parsing code and replace it with a boring dropdown 😢
after that i gotta fix the barelies, i should be able to just use whatever the halves are doing cause they look really good
* rewrote basically all of ThrowObject()
* overhauled how object calling works
* added "Idol" object (fan club mic)
* fixed barelies and curves and how they were transformed
* oh and uh, one more thing.
prepare block was janky so i just made the animation last 20 seconds :)
ez fix
* final touch-ups + layering issues
* apparently this didn't push
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: patataofcourse <patataofcourse@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
* dj school rework
* more stuff
* Animation scaling
* gave dj yellow a script
* DJ yellow now gets his head sprite changed through script again
* turntable Hold animations now play
* Force hold added
* all sprites and anims done
* tweaks
* The expressions should be good now
* Added bop parity to dj school and fixed a small bug
* changes
* Fixed bugs with the heads being funny
* Added boo and cheer
* Boo improvements
* new icon
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
* Sneaky Spirits - Fix Easing
gost go woosh
* Sneaky Spirits - Tree Tweaks
Stops during slowdown now and realigned second animation frame
* Space Dance - Polish
Added new Hi-Res effect textures, adjusted sound offsets
* Space Dance - Gramps Animation Tweaks
* Flipper Flop - Partial Offset Fixes
Still need to do the roll counting, huhs, and appreciations, but waiting on YMF to make the code ready for that
* Begun
* horizon
* Added animators and attention company voiceline
* Success Inputs and audio done
* some flipper flop anims
* Icon + Flipper roll improvements + anim implementation
* Code cleanified
* Begun work on missing logic and sounds and faces
* Faces fixing
* Barely faces and sound
* forgort this
* Miss faces for the player implemented
* flippers done
* a few fixes
* Gave captain tuck's head an animator
* mirrored anims
* more anim stuff
* Implemented some anims and shit
* more anim stufff
* Implemented dem anims
* captain tuck anims
* More implementations
* reverse rolls
* captain tuck walk
* more animation nonsense
* more tweaks lol
* camera and move stuff, buggy though
* I hate this bug !
* Implemented more anims! WOw!
* Walking
* Grrr
* More stuff implemented yippee
* roll fixes
* anim stuff 2
* oops
* new anim scaling
* Fixed stuff
* fixing past mistakes
* Exposed roll distance in inspector
* anim nonsense
* Lots of fixes and tweaks and small additions
* Fixes!!!!!!
* Changed to an uh slider instead of tickbox
* animation adjustments
* snow particles
* implemented snow particle
* Miss sound improved and whiffs added
* miss anims
* Updated bop and ability to mute attention company voice line
* Impact fixes
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
* starting out with double date stuff :D
not even the background is finished
i just wanna get this on my fork so that it's safe
* double date getting more initialized
no animations, one block, nothing actually functions. but the boy is put in place, and the girl is almost put in place! just wanted to merge this with the main branch to play catchy tune
* initialization done!!!!!
gonna fix up the code, see what i can take out, see what i can standardize, see what i need to add. loving this so far, even with all of its annoyances
* ughhhh animation stuff.
this is gonna take me a day or two to even comprehend
* starting on animation
committing cause im traveling, i might work on this if i have time
* replace sounds, extend some stuff
replaced the rhre3 sounds and added a few things to make camera movements not look so out-of-bounds janky. still working on it, but it's coming along good so far
* starting on dog ninja
waiting for bread2unity to get merged, and i'm still probably gonna keep working on dog ninja until it's done even if it does.
* initialization and sprite trimming done
reference is from angrytapper2's video
Throw Object,
Cut Everything!, and
Here We Go!
were the cues added, in that order.
* temp icon w/ mask + bezier curves!!
the icon is temporary, but i did add a mask. i think it looks pretty good :) especially for what it is. also bezier curves. i just figured those out, now i just need to figure out how to implement them into the object.
* getting there
i'm so close to getting the "Cut Everything!" block to work. i'm trying to figure out how to not play it as the default when the game is rendered
* added sfx
* added bird animations
* looked at double date for like 2 minutes
* have been editing blue bear's "treat" block to fit dog ninja for a while now
(im gonna try doing these commit notes from now on)
* keeping trying
* cues have sfx now
- the "throw object" cues are not accurate yet
* animations adjusted to not keep bird on screen
* not much progress rn, getting into the harder stuff
* added more sfx
- it's from rhre3, if somebody can find a clean rip that would be great, cause i can't)
* made a bop animation
- still trying to figure out how to get it to play every beat :/
* replaced throw sfx, was using whiff sfx before
* extended background using a slice of the sky gradient and color picked blocks
* some code added to dogninja.cs and throwobject.cs is... bad. it's just torn from other games.
* i need to work out conflicts
really this is just pushing all my stuff so i don't lose it, tambourine is giving my fork conflicts for some reason 💀
* blehhh
figuring out git some more
* doesn't look like much. but
(god, i suck at C#)
* bop animations, on every beat (will soon make it a toggle)
* bird fly in and out, flies in when not on screen and out when on screen
* did more work on "throwObject.cs" but not anything applicable yet
* also found out how assigning scripts to a prefab works. ugh. so, got all those holders and objects assigned
* trying to get different sfx working for each item
really i just established some structure code. i don't understand it too well, so there are a few things commented out.
* starting with inputs
rn they're broken and i can't tell why :(
* heavily commented out code in ThrowObject.cs
* added option to disable the bird's FlyIn SFX
* some debug stuff
* some scheduled inputs (that AREN'T. WORKING.)
* fixed the input bug
tysm ymf <333 ur my hero
technically this is a functioning game! gonna get different sfx/sprites working, try to get bezier curves working, then i'll make a pr
* fixed that input bug
* changed some variable names
* getting some more infrastructure for getting the game fully working
* double date stuff!!!! (improvements, playability)
* purged SO much code
* combined SoccerBall.cs and Basketball.cs into Ball.cs
- might do that for Football.cs too, but we'll see
* removed bop animation, it looked bad and made double date as a whole look bad cause it didn't reset. so the boy looked a bit off.
- also fixed an error pertaining to animations
* basic input stuff for when bread2unity gets merged
* oh so much infrastructure stuff
* lol commit
* some animation stuff
* sfx stuff
all the different options have sfx tied to them for the throw and slice. now onto sprites and animation...
* added tacobell too :)
* dog ninja going into WIP :D
(commiting rn cause i wanna do some experimental animation)
* one more object :)
* optimized some code
* new sprites are almost done; i've got a list of both the sprites and their halves.
* sprites are in! and goodnight.
* all the sprites go with their corresponding option and sfx
* bird improved slightly
* actual fruit animation
* toggle for random fruits (doesn't work yet)
* textbox for custom objects (doesn't work yet)
- not user-submitted stuff, just stuff that doesn't really fit in the main dropdown menu
* some stuff i don't remember, but it's definitely stuff that's working towards making everything work.
miss anims don't work yet. at all. the objects just go flying. also the slice animation needs to be finished for both sides, and a bool needs to be added for which side to play (will be easy to do) also when you randomly slice, which is determined completely randomly (thank god)
gura-nyuuu :3 (i'm sorry)
* added a single sfx
* custom objects!!
tbh a lot more's coming but i need to merge my stuff
i don't feel like taking notes here
* working on halves
* misc cleaning up stuff
* started on the logic for halves
* progress on halves, cleaning out variables
i need to sync between laptop and pc
* im pretty sure that's all the double date stuff taken out
* neatened up code + better bezier curves
* adjusted bezier curves
- sooo close to perfection but very noticeable stuttering at lower speeds
* changed random to default object option instead of a bool; makes more sense this way
* renaming things, getting code ready for new animations
* commented a bunch of my code
* re-fixing a bunch of stuff that has since broken from updating stuff
- i.e random fruit, sprites, "here we go!" in general, etc.
* new font, stuff fixed
* added [about friend font](https://www.deviantart.com/matthewtheprep/art/About-Friend-Extended-Now-with-Greek-and-Cyrillic-832264925)
* fixed "here we go!"
* some more left or right object animation stuff
* so many things
* fully added custom items
- accessible through a cheat code type system in the drop-down for cues
* changed how the bezier curves function
- only three points now (much smoother) and i just start it much later on the curve
* added AboutFriend font, basically kurokane except free to use
* started more on halves
god, halves are gonna be hard tho
* quick commit
by [d]
* got temp animations in
* temp animations for ev
* replaced ai sprites with ev's (thank you <333)
* getting progress on halves
* cleaned up files
* hi res sprites
* throw both objects + prepare anim
though, i still need to work out how the prepare animation will not play when you need to slice (cues a beat or less apart)
* all dog ninja animations
* forgot some stuff lol
* prep anim done
yay :)
* oops! blend tree moment
(more stuff)
* animation fixes
* more anim fixes lol
* done for the night
* added seanski's new icon
* fixed the sound for both objects getting thrown
* still working on the prepare animation, but for now it's gonna be a block
- if literally anybody wants to implement an auto-prepare that isn't jank be my guest
* halves progress, as usual
* added a new item 😄
* fix conflicts
just saw these in the pr, this commit should fix them
* clean up code/fix prepare block
thank you ymf!!! <333
* code optimizations
* both slice anim + prepare anim fixed
* i have stashed changes i need to work on
* stashed changes
* remade halves lists
* renamed some sprites
-i had funny little names like "tater" and "cuc" but that's a bit confusing
* custom halves don't have the framework for them yet so i was building that too
* half sprites work now
onto making the curve an animation!
(also fixing the text ig)
(ALSO i fixed the prepare stuff (i think))
* unity animation 💀
* Fixed text stuff
* push changes so nothing breaks
hi ymf
* i'll work on this more later
* halves r workin
* oops! all mp3s!
-converted mp3 sfx to ogg
still need to do barelies, then everything is done
* barelies are so close to being done!!!
tweaking + figuring out how position works depending on which side the object was thrown
* stopping for the night
barelies are actually so insanely close to being done it's just a little bit of jank that's holding them back
ill finish this tomorrow.
* it's over. it's finally over. PR TIME!
* final adjustments
* the rest of the barely stuff
* clean up the code a little
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: patataofcourse <patataofcourse@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
* Rhythm rally and cheer readers improvements
* Autobop for fan club
* Implemented new bop parity for fan club, rhythm rally and ssds
* Air rally easing improvements
* Fixed drumming practice stuff
* Tap trial has been unjankified yet again
* Cheer readers and catchy tune bops
* More bop parity
* MORE!!!!
* That should be all of them except space dance and dj school
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
* Trying to revive cheer readers
* its up to you!
* animation time
* rah rah sis boom ba boom
* position fixes
* Ok it's on and other cool stuff
* help
* lotta stuff
* girls
* implemented faces
* Resetpose
* nature is healing
* anim fixes
* Fixed the lipsync stuff
* more lip sync
* oops
* blushing and lipsync for its up to you
* fixes
* blush fixes
* Fixes with repositioning stuff
* Prefab ready for posters
* Posters work, look ugly af, but they work
* Yay placeholder animation
* yay placeholders
* fixes
* Fixed stuff! Wow epic!
* almost all lipsync is in
* boom placeholder
* Multiple posters
* a bunch of girls
* Implemented da girls
* all anims done
* oops
* more fixes
* Implemented happy faces
* oops
* Oops2
* made timing of the happy face more accurate
* upscaled background
* books
* Fixed a bug with ok its on
* particles for yay
* star particle implemented
* oops the particle
* added another stand
* new icon
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
* i Am trying
* changes
* i moved boxes by like 3 pixels
* particle
* done w the pose particle
* edited the particle a bit oops
* The dazzles is now initiliazed
* Lol added a script to the girl prefab
* girl
* Girl in scene activated
* Added animator to girl
* should be good now
* almost all the animations
* night walk stars
* oops
* scddfxcdx
* Got Started on the inputs
* Started on custom poses
* box stuff
* anim changes
* Custom poses!
* oops
* grr
* Box moment
* Stretchables crouch + star enable/disable dropdown
* fixed box animation
* anim fix again
* Bopping added
* Fixes to bops and other weird stuff
* mis s stuff
* oops
* Sound improvements
* blackflash is funky
* The heads are in... kinda
* Angy >:(
* small fix
* fixed heads
* fixed mouth
* Whiff inputs should be more accurate now
* Fixed every possible Issue I could find
* Fixed the lighting, only missing an icon now
* Force hold event added + sound fixes
* made them autobop by default
* anims fixes lol
* Fixed some inputs being inaccurate
* temp icon
* oops
* some tweaks and We are done!
* Count in is more accurate
* fixed the sounds yet again
* new icon
* oops
Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
* Sneaky Spirits - Fix Easing
gost go woosh
* Sneaky Spirits - Tree Tweaks
Stops during slowdown now and realigned second animation frame
* Space Dance - Polish
Added new Hi-Res effect textures, adjusted sound offsets
* Almost done with space dance stuff additions
* Space dance improvements and additions
* Removed WIP text from Space Dance
* Removed WIP text from launch party and kitties and made the launch pad rotation actually be in the center of the launch pad
* meat grinder prefab + sprite cutting/naming done + icon
title :)
* Boss Bop, Miss, & Signal Anims
can you read
* Boss Call Anim
* fix the z axis + new sprite
still working on getting those bops working. they're a bit weird (not the anim itself)
* Restored Meat Grinder Animations
i have no idea what just happened with github but the animations are back
* All Tack Animations Complete
just missing the meat anims
* Literally two lines changed
skull emoji (forgot to set the light meat for the miss anim to inactive by default)
* Meat Grinder Anims (should be) Done
Added the Meat Hit anims
* goodnight
* bopping every beat
* tons of sfx
* meat calls with their corresponding sfx/animations have been added
* prefunctions...
* inputs + sfx + prefunction
making swift progress here :)
* little commit
more cues and animation stuff so that i can have new animations
* Meat Toss Anims
also fixed up some of tack's hit anims to make the smear more consistent
* night night
* moved all the meat stuff to a new script
-this should help with instantiating the meat
* animations are a bit more comprehensive
* man, barelies are way easier than i thought they were gonna be
* instantiating works now
committing to work on my pc instead of my laptop
but i have been getting a lot done with the meat! it's just that most of that stuff is learning what i can't do...
* Boss Animation Tweaks
Adjusted Boss' bop and miss animations
* woohoo animation!
hi sean this is for u. tell me anything to tweak :)
* Quick Meat Toss Anim Fix
Prevents meat from playing the toss animation twice
* meat hit animation works!
sometimes there's a frame where the first frame of its animation pops up but i should be able to fix that
also just general improvements + framework for different meats
* it's done! or at least out of wip!
* you can select which meat type is tossed (defaults to random)
* ghost meat has been busted (it looped back to its first frame of anim sometimes right before being destroyed; i just added a single frame idle.)
* overall just optimized code
* removed WIP from game name
* a few touch-ups
* change all sfx to ogg
-also amplified toss.ogg by 4db, was hard to hear at the same time as hitting a cue
* fixed boss not bopping a beat after a signal
-a very small bit hacky but it really works fine. will fix if any problems come up (but i added a check so that there shouldn't be)
* i have stashed changes :P
* new bg + remove references
* boss weird bopping fixed + game switches fixed
* final touch-ups
Co-authored-by: Seanski2 <seanbenedit@gmail.com>
* Started, off to a good start
* Animation shit
* I hope this looks okay
* expose song pitch to minigames
* clean up new additions
* They now lower down
* Da new pitch stuff needs update but I made cool stuff regardless
* Hit sprites implemented
* Added barely animation for ghost
* Missing and barely stuff implemented
* make new functions actually set music pitch
* Bow enter or exit
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
* Kitties! (Initialization)
* Kitties Sprites Set-up
* Kitties (Placeholder Icon)
* Kitties (SFX added and some work on input)
* Kitties Animation Stuff
* Kitties Idle and Pop In
* Kitties Clap Animations and Inverse Spawn
* More Claps
* Face Claps
* Face Idle (Partially Done) and Mice
* Finished Claps
* Spins Partially Done
* Started On Fish
* Finished Rolls
* Fixed issue where animation flip would override code flip
* Fish Catch Animation Started
* Kitties Inputs Done and Custom Background sorta done
* Changed from "Initialization Only" to "WIP"
* fish bug fix
* Multiple Bug Fixes and Linger Animations
* Started
* Added bomb
* Just need more explosion types ig
* Count ins :D
* Remix 5 background
* This was painful
* Shity particles
* particle adjustments
* stuff
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
* Started
* Imported new spritesheet
* Set up new spritesheets
* Added foreground elements
* Added bopping
* Working dough fixx lol
* Stepping Added!
* minor tweak
* Tap troupe inputs are queued yippee
* Tapping math stuff done
* Added tapping animations for npcs
* Party Popper!
* Improved da particle
* Vine boom
* Ready for PR!
* Little fix
* anim adjustments
* Updated some sounds and scaling
* all anims done
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
* Somewhat Playable Launch Party
Pitches/Animations are almost finished
* idk what you'd call this anymore
* More Launch Party Code
* Actually Approachable Code!
* Some other stuff idk
* Cleanup preparation
* Beginning too rebuild
* Got the rocket and cracker crackin'
* Basics done codewise
* Started setting up the movement of the launch pad
* You can now move da launch pad and rotate it too
* Scrolling Background effect added
* Small tweak
* Name changes
* Rise animation adjustment
* animations stuff
* miss and launch anims are in
* Implemented animations
* Adjusted sizing of launch pad
* Able to change scroll speed, but with major issues
* more anims
* More anim implementations
* more final touches
* Bug fixes
Co-authored-by: Jellirby <80490342+Jellirby@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
* Tons of stuff...
* Drumming practice improvements
* Easing for drumming practice
* Converted TOTC to prefunction
* Split scratch o into two
* Forthington voice lines can now be played outside of air rally
* Rhythm Rally Improvements
* Air rally sound improvements
* Spawn blocks rework
* BTS ds small tweaks
* Tap Trial fixes
* More tweaks to tap trial
* Final minor tweaks
* Fixed small ssds bug
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
* Tons of stuff...
* Drumming practice improvements
* Easing for drumming practice
* Converted TOTC to prefunction
* Split scratch o into two
* Forthington voice lines can now be played outside of air rally
* Rhythm Rally Improvements
* Air rally sound improvements
* Spawn blocks rework
* BTS ds small tweaks
* Tap Trial fixes
* More tweaks to tap trial
* Final minor tweaks