This driver supports the Razer Atrox Arcade Stick
Some of the quirks of this driver, inherent in Windows Gaming Input:
* There will never appear to be controllers connected at startup. You must support hot-plugging in order to see these controllers.
* You can't read the state of the guide button
* You can't get controller events in the background
Caleb Cornett
Just ran into this, and from my testing, whatever re-added the dependency is a _major_ regression. Not only is your app forced to link with CoreBluetooth, but iOS has apparently tightened up security and won't even let you _test_ your app unless it specifies the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription in an Info.plist. It doesn't even pop up an error message, it just straight up crashes.
Adding the permission isn't a good solution either, since I'd really, really rather not have my app request users' bluetooth to always be enabled, especially if the only apparent reason is for Steam Controller support.
Caleb Cornett's comments:
"A few weeks ago, Alex added a partial Metal API to SDL2:
I noticed it was missing a few features that would help Metal become a
first-class citizen in SDL, so I went ahead and wrote them! Here are the new
1. SDL_WINDOW_METAL flag for SDL_CreateWindow(). This allows the programmer
to specify that they intend to create a window for use with SDL_MetalView.
The flag is used to ensure correct usage of the API and to prevent
accidentally defaulting to OpenGL on iOS.
2. SDL_Metal_GetLayer(). This function takes a SDL_MetalView and returns a
pointer to the view's backing CAMetalLayer. This simplifies things
considerably, since in the current version of the SDL_Metal API the
programmer is required to bridge-cast a SDL_MetalView handle to an NSView or
UIView (depending on the platform) and then extract the layer from there.
SDL_Metal_GetLayer automatically handles all of that, making the operation
simple and cross-platform.
3. SDL_Metal_GetDrawableSize(). This function already exists in the current
SDL_Metal API (and is used behind-the-scenes for SDL_Vulkan_GetDrawableSize
on Apple platforms) but was not publicly exposed. My patch exposes this
function for public use. It works just like you'd expect.
Tested on macOS 10.14 and iOS 12.4."
Fixes Bugzilla #4796.
Added Linux implementation, otherwise you get "Unsupported direction type" error.
Added documentation to explain why one would use SDL_HAPTIC_FIRST_AXIS.
Mathieu Laurendeau
Consider a device supporting effects on multiple axes.
There's currently no way to play effects against a single-axis direction.
A device supporting effects against X and Y may not allow to play effects with a two-axis direction coordinate, even if one of the coordinates is null.
My current (ugly) work around for this is to add a direction type SDL_HAPTIC_X_FORCE to play effects against a X-axis only direction (patch attached).
This issue impacted two GIMX users using the following wheels:
- Leo Bodnar SimSteering force feedback wheel
- Accuforce direct drive wheel
Playing constant/spring/damper effects against a X-axis direction worked well for the first wheel, but not for the second one.
A better strategy seems to play the effects against the first axis reported by the DirectInput enumeration.
This strategy also works with Logitech wheels (at least the DFGT).
It's been more than a year that I have the latest patch (playing effects against the first axis only) in the GIMX software. It's being used by thousands of people, mostly for adapting their FFB wheel to the PS4. I had no report that proves this strategy to be wrong.
Jimb Esser
Add new RawInput controller API, and improved correlation with XInput/WGI
Reorder joystick init so drivers can ask the others if they handle a device reliably
Do not poll disconnected XInput devices (major perf issue)
Fix various cases where incorrect correlation could happen
Simple mechanism for propagating unhandled Guide button presses even before guaranteed correlation
Correlate by axis motion as well as button presses
Fix failing to zero other trigger
Fix SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI not working if set before calling SDL_Init()
Add missing device to device names
Disable RawInput if we have a mismatch of XInput-capable but not RawInput-capable devices
Updated to SDL 2.0.13 code with the following notes:
New HID driver: xbox360w - no idea what that is, hopefully urelated
SDL_hidapijoystick.c had been refactored to couple data handling logic with device opening logic and device lists caused some problems, yields slightly uglier integration than previously when the 360 HID device driver was just handling the data.
SDL_hidapijoystick.c now often pulls the device off of the joystick_hwdata structure for some rumble logic, but it appears that code path is never reached, so probably not a problem.
Looks like joystick_hwdata was refactored to not include a mutex in other drivers, maintainers may want to do the same refactor here if that's useful for some reason.
Something changed in how devices get names, so getting generic names.
Had to fix a (new?) bug where removing an XInput controller caused existing controllers (that moved to a new XInput index) to get identified as 0x045e/0x02fd ("it's probably Bluetooth" in code), rendering the existing HIDAPI_IsDevicePresent and new RAWINPUT_IsDevicePresent unreliable.
David Ludwig
I have created a new driver for SDL's Joystick and Game-Controller subsystem: a Virtual driver. This driver allows one to create a software-based joystick, which to SDL applications will look and react like a real joystick, but whose state can be set programmatically. A primary use case for this is to help enable developers to add touch-screen joysticks to their apps.
The driver comes with a set of new, public APIs, with functions to attach and detach joysticks, set virtual-joystick state, and to determine if a joystick is a virtual-one.
Use of virtual joysticks goes as such:
1. Attach one or more virtual joysticks by calling SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual. If successful, this returns the virtual-device's joystick-index.
2. Open the virtual joysticks (using indicies returned by SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual).
3. Call any of the SDL_JoystickSetVirtual* functions when joystick-state changes. Please note that virtual-joystick state will only get applied on the next call to SDL_JoystickUpdate, or when pumping or polling for SDL events (via SDL_PumpEvents or SDL_PollEvent).
Here is a listing of the new, public APIs, at present and subject to change:
* Attaches a new virtual joystick.
* Returns the joystick's device index, or -1 if an error occurred.
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual(SDL_JoystickType type, int naxes, int nballs, int nbuttons, int nhats);
* Detaches a virtual joystick
* Returns 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred.
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickDetachVirtual(int device_index);
* Indicates whether or not a virtual-joystick is at a given device index.
extern DECLSPEC SDL_bool SDLCALL SDL_JoystickIsVirtual(int device_index);
* Set values on an opened, virtual-joystick's controls.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickSetVirtualAxis(SDL_Joystick * joystick, int axis, Sint16 value);
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickSetVirtualBall(SDL_Joystick * joystick, int ball, Sint16 xrel, Sint16 yrel);
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickSetVirtualButton(SDL_Joystick * joystick, int button, Uint8 value);
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickSetVirtualHat(SDL_Joystick * joystick, int hat, Uint8 value);
Miscellaneous notes on the initial patch, which are also subject to change:
1. no test code is present in SDL, yet. This should, perhaps, change. Initial development was done with an ImGui-based app, which potentially is too thick for use in SDL-official. If tests are to be added, what kind of tests? Automated? Graphical?
2. virtual game controllers can be created by calling SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual with a joystick-type of SDL_JOYSTICK_TYPE_GAME_CONTROLLER, with naxes (num axes) set to SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX, and with nbuttons (num buttons) set to SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX. When updating their state, values of type SDL_GameControllerAxis or SDL_GameControllerButton can be casted to an int and used for the control-index (in calls to SDL_JoystickSetVirtual* functions).
3. virtual joysticks' guids are mostly all-zeros with the exception of the last two bytes, the first of which is a 'v', to indicate that the guid is a virtual one, and the second of which is a SDL_JoystickType that has been converted into a Uint8.
4. virtual joysticks are ONLY turned into virtual game-controllers if and when their joystick-type is set to SDL_JOYSTICK_TYPE_GAMECONTROLLER. This is controlled by having SDL's default list of game-controllers have a single entry for a virtual game controller (of guid, "00000000000000000000000000007601", which is subject to the guid-encoding described above).
5. regarding having to call SDL_JoystickUpdate, either directly or indirectly via SDL_PumpEvents or SDL_PollEvents, before new virtual-joystick state becomes active (as specified via SDL_JoystickSetVirtual* function-calls), this was done to match behavior found in SDL's other joystick drivers, almost all of which will only update SDL-state during SDL_JoystickUpdate.
6. the initial patch is based off of SDL 2.0.12
7. the virtual joystick subsystem is disabled by default. It should be possible to enable it by building with SDL_JOYSTICK_VIRTUAL=1
Questions, comments, suggestions, or bug reports very welcome!
Martin Fiedler
To be precise, this is about *desktop OpenGL* on X11. For OpenGL ES, EGL is already used (as it's the only way to get an OpenGL ES context), as Sylvain noted above.
To shine some light on why this is needed:
In 99% of all cases, using GLX on X11 is fine, even though it's effectively deprecated in favor of EGL [1]. However, there's at least one use case that *requires* the OpenGL context being created with EGL instead of GLX, and that's DRM_PRIME interoperability: The function glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES simply doesn't work with GLX. (Currently, Mesa actually crashes when trying that.)
Some example code:
Runs on Intel and open-source AMD drivers just fine (others unconfirmed), but with #define USE_EGL 0 (i.e. forcing it to GLX), it crashes. The same happens when using SDL for window and context creation.
The good news is that most of the pieces for EGL support on X11 are already in place: SDL_egl.c is pretty complete (and used for desktop OpenGL on Wayland, for example), and SDL_x11opengl.c has the aforementioned OpenGL-ES-on-EGL support. However, when it comes to desktop OpenGL, it's hardcoded to fall back to GLX.
I'm not advocating to make EGL the default for desktop OpenGL on X11; don't fix what ain't broken. But something like an SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_FORCE_EGL would be very appreciated to make use cases like the above work with SDL.
[1] source: Eric Anholt, major Linux graphics stack developer, 7 years ago already - see last paragraph of
This kind of blending is rather quite useful and in my opinion should be available for all renderers. I do need it myself, but since I didn't want to use a custom blending mode which is supported only by certain renderers (e.g. not in software which is quite important for me) I did write implementation of SDL_BLENDMODE_MUL for all renderers altogether.
SDL_BLENDMODE_MUL implements following equation:
dstRGB = (srcRGB * dstRGB) + (dstRGB * (1-srcA))
dstA = (srcA * dstA) + (dstA * (1-srcA))
Blended texture:
I think I did cover all possibilities within included patch, but I didn't write any tests for SDL_BLENDMODE_MUL, so it would be lovely if someone could do it.
This was something rather trivial to add, but asked at least several times before (I did google about it as well).
It should be possible to dynamically change scaling mode of the texture. It is actually trivial task, but until now it was only possible with a hint before creating a texture.
I needed it for my game as well, so I took the liberty of writing it myself.
This patch adds following functions:
SDL_SetTextureScaleMode(SDL_Texture * texture, SDL_ScaleMode scaleMode);
SDL_GetTextureScaleMode(SDL_Texture * texture, SDL_ScaleMode *scaleMode);
That way you can change texture scaling on the fly.
Added the functions SDL_JoystickFromPlayerIndex(), SDL_JoystickSetPlayerIndex(), SDL_GameControllerFromPlayerIndex(), and SDL_GameControllerSetPlayerIndex()
Aaron Barany
Add SDL_HINT_VIDEO_EXTERNAL_CONTEXT hint to notify SDL that the graphics context is external. This disables the automatic context save/restore behavior on Android and avoids using OpenGL by default when SDL_WINDOW_VUKLAN isn't set.
When the application wishes to manage the OpenGL contexts on Android, this avoids cases where SDL unbinds the context and creates new contexts, which can interfere with the application's operation.
When using Vulkan and Metal renderer implementations, this avoids SDL forcing OpenGL to be enabled on certain platforms. While using the SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN flag can be used to achieve the same thing, it also causes Vulkan to be loaded. If the application uses Vulkan directly, this is not necessary, and fails window creation when using Metal due to Vulkan not being present. (assuming MoltenVK isn't installed)
Using (1 << 14) instead of 0x4000 might be clearer for the maintainer, but
it makes it harder to look up these flags when debugging an app. The value
has to be written once by one person, the has to be read by tons of people
over and over.
The Offscreen video driver is intended to be used for headless rendering
as well as allows for multiple GPUs to be used for headless rendering
Currently only supports EGL (OpenGL / ES) or Framebuffers
Adds a hint to specifiy which EGL device to use: SDL_HINT_EGL_DEVICE
Adds testoffscreen.c which can be used to test the backend out
Disabled by default for now
When using a recent version of CMake (3.14+), this should make it possible to:
- build SDL for iOS, both static and dynamic
- build SDL test apps (as iOS .app bundles)
- generate a working SDL_config.h for iOS (using SDL_config.h.cmake as a basis)
To use, set the following CMake variables when running CMake's configuration stage:
- CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=<SDK> (examples: iphoneos, iphonesimulator, iphoneos12.4, /full/path/to/iPhoneOS.sdk, etc.)
- CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=<semicolon-separated list of CPU architectures> (example: "arm64;armv7s")
- for Simulator, using the latest, installed SDK:
- for Device, using the latest, installed SDK, 64-bit only
- for Device, using the latest, installed SDK, mixed 32/64 bit
- for Device, using a specific SDK revision (iOS 12.4, in this example):
- for Simulator, using the latest, installed SDK, and building SDL test apps (as .app bundles):
This is currently supported on Linux and macOS. iOS and Android are not
supported at all, Windows support could be added with some changes to the libusb
backend. The Visual Studio and Xcode projects do not use this feature.
Based on Valve Software's hid.cpp, written in collaboration with Andrew Eikum.
The real problem is that SDL_atomic.c was built in thumb mode instead of ARM mode, which is required to use the mcr instruction on ARM platforms. Added a compiler error to catch this case so we don't generate code that does infinite recursion.
I also added a potentially better way to handle things on Linux ARM platforms, based on comments in the Chromium headers, which we can try out after 2.0.10 ships.
It causes the HIDAPI devices to always be opened on enumeration, which causes crashes in the Windows drivers when multiple applications are reading and writing at the same time. We can revisit this after 2.0.10 release.
Dzmitry Malyshau
Current code, search paths, and error messages are written to only consider MoltenVK on macOS as a Vulkan Portability implementation. It's not the only implementation available to the users. gfx-portability [1] has been shown to run a number of titles well, including Dota2, Dolphin Emulator, and vkQuake3, often out-performing MoltenVK in frame rate and stability (see Dolphin benchmark [2]).
There is no reason for SDL to be that specific, it's not using any MVK-specific functions other than the WSI initialization ("VK_MVK_macos_surface"). gfx-portability exposes this extension as well, and a more generic WSI extension is in process. It would be good if SDL was written in a more generic way that expect a Vulkan Portability library as opposed to MoltenVK specifically.
Simon Hug
Attached is a minor cleanup patch. It changes the option name of one hint to something better, puts one or two more checks in, and adds explicit casting where warnings could appear otherwise.
I hope the naming of the hints and their options is acceptable. It would be kind of awkward to change them after they get released with an official SDL version.
Simon Hug
I had a look at this and made some additions to SDL_wave.c.
The attached patch adds many checks and error messages. For some reason I also added A-law and ?-law decoders. Forgot exactly why... but hey, they're small.
The WAVE format is seriously underspecified (at least by the documents that are publicly available on the internet) and it's a shame Microsoft never put something better out there. The language used in them is so loose at times, it's not surprising the encoders and decoders behave very differently. The Windows Media Player doesn't even support MS ADPCM correctly.
The patch also adds some hints to make the decoder more strict at the cost of compatibility with weird WAVE files.
I still think it needs a bit of cleaning up (Not happy with the MultiplySize function. Don't like the name and other SDL code may want to use something like this too.) and some duplicated code may be folded together. It does work in this state and I have thrown all kinds of WAVE files at it. The AFL files also pass with it and some even play (obviously just noise). Crafty little fuzzer.
Any critique would be welcome. I have a fork of SDL with a audio-loadwav branch over here if someone wants to use the commenting feature of Bitbucket:
I also cobbled some Lua scripts together to create WAVE test files:
I got this bug in SDL_ttf:
Sylvain proposed solution:
SDL_RWseek(RWops, 0, RW_SEEK_SET);
And it works, but i can use it my project, because it written in C# with SDL2-CS wrapper and there not export for macroses:
#define SDL_RWsize(ctx) (ctx)->size(ctx)
#define SDL_RWseek(ctx, offset, whence) (ctx)->seek(ctx, offset, whence)
#define SDL_RWtell(ctx) (ctx)->seek(ctx, 0, RW_SEEK_CUR)
#define SDL_RWread(ctx, ptr, size, n) (ctx)->read(ctx, ptr, size, n)
#define SDL_RWwrite(ctx, ptr, size, n) (ctx)->write(ctx, ptr, size, n)
#define SDL_RWclose(ctx) (ctx)->close(ctx)
Therefore, I suggest replacing this macros with functions so that they can be exported and used in bindings
java layer runs as if separate mouse and touch was 1,
for generating synthetic touch/mouse events
Note that a single USB device is responsible for all 4 joysticks, so a large
rewrite of the DeviceDriver functions was necessary to allow a single device to
produce multiple joysticks.
Visual Studio doesn't define __ARM_ARCH nor _ARM_NEON, but _M_ARM and _M_ARM64,
so SDL_HasNEON() was bypassed.
PF_ARM_NEON_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE doesn't see to be defined (but still works
when defined as 19).
Only __ARM_NEON is defined with Android NDK and arm64-v8a
Tested on ndk-r18, ndk-r13 and also Xcode.
(Visual Studio needs a different fix).
Fixes Bugzilla #4409.
Luke Dashjr
Bug 3993 was "fixed" by #undef'ing bool. But this breaks C99's stdbool.h bool too.
For example, mpv's build fails with:
../audio/out/ao_sdl.c:35:5: error: unknown type name ?bool?
It seems ill-advised to be #undef'ing *anything* here - what if the code including SDL_cpuinfo.h actually wants to use altivec?
Daniel Gibson
Even though my game (dhewm3) doesn't use SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK, SDL_PumpEvent() calls SDL_JoystickUpdate() which ends up calling hid_enumerate() every three seconds, and sometimes on my Win7 box hid_enumerate() takes about 5 seconds, which causes the whole game to freeze for that time.
While trying to build Pixie lisp (, which uses SDL for multimedia output, the mandelbrot example won't build. The problem is that internally pixie uses a templated function to dump a value, and gcc chokes because SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGA8888 is an anonymous enum.
I solved the problem locally by changing from:
enum {
... etc. ...
typedef enum {
... etc. ...
The net result of this change is that the enum containing SDL_PIXELFORMAT_* is no longer an anonymous enum and can now be used by a templated function.
This local change fixes Pixie lisp for me.
I did notice that you use the idiom
typedef enum {
... etc ...
elsewhere in your code, so that change to SDL_PIXELFORMAT doesn't look like it would have a negative impact.
Touch device types include SDL_TOUCH_DEVICE_DIRECT (a touch screen with window-relative coordinates for touches), SDL_TOUCH_DEVICE_INDIRECT_ABSOLUTE (a trackpad-style device with absolute device coordinates), and SDL_TOUCH_DEVICE_INDIRECT_RELATIVE (a trackpad-style device with screen cursor-relative coordinates).
Phone screens are an example of a direct device type. Mac trackpads are the indirect-absolute touch device type. The Apple TV remote is an indirect-relative touch device type.
If you enable this, you'll need to link with CoreBluetooth.framework and add something like this to your Info.plist:
<string>MyApp would like to remain connected to nearby bluetooth Game Controllers and Game Pads even when you're not using the app.</string>
Otherwise if SDL_POWER_DISABLED is disabled (eg with --disable-power):
... with clang -pedantic:
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:50: warning: use of GNU empty initializer extension [-Wgnu-empty-initializer]
static SDL_GetPowerInfo_Impl implementations[] = {
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:50: warning: zero size arrays are an extension [-Wzero-length-array]
2 warnings generated.
... with gcc -pedantic:
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:50: warning: ISO C forbids empty initializer braces [-Wpedantic]
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:50: warning: ISO C forbids empty initializer braces [-Wpedantic]
static SDL_GetPowerInfo_Impl implementations[] = {
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:30: error: zero or negative size array ?implementations?
static SDL_GetPowerInfo_Impl implementations[] = {
... with Watcom:
./src/power/SDL_power.c(85): Error! E1112: Initializer list cannot be empty
Author: Anthony Pesch <>
Date: Fri May 4 20:21:21 2018 -0400
Added SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_SAMPLES_CHANGE flag enabling users of SDL_OpenAudioDevice to get
the sample size of the actual hardware buffer vs having a stream created to handle the
in, SDL_config.h.cmake, SDL_config_windows.h, and in
Patch a few warnings when using:
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wdocumentation -Wdocumentation-unknown-command
They are automatically enabled with -Wall
Anthony @ POW Games
SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface makes an internal call to SDL_GetColorKey which can return an error and spams the error log with "Surface doesn't have a colorkey" even though the original function didn't return an error.
The SDL_syswm.h header includes the windows.h header after including begin_code.h which changes the structure packing alignment.
It seems this is not safe as suggested by the following warning :
warning C4121: 'JOBOBJECT_IO_RATE_CONTROL_INFORMATION_NATIVE_V2': alignment of a member was sensitive to packing
Felix Geyer
Forwarding from quoting verbatim:
The SDL2 header SDL_cpuinfo.h generates gcc warnings if the program using
it compiles with the -Wundef warning. (In particular, this means that QEMU
builds using it fail on at least sparc hosts, since QEMU dev builds
use both -Wundef and -Werror.).
/usr/include/SDL2/SDL_cpuinfo.h:63:5: warning: "HAVE_IMMINTRIN_H" is not defined, evaluates to 0 [-Wundef]
This tries to load vulkan.framework or libvulkan.1.dylib before MoltenVK.framework
or libMoltenVK.dylib. In the previous version, layers would not work for applications
run-time loading the default library.
Callum McGing
This patch allows the user to disable the behaviour that blocks the compositor through a new hint: SDL_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR. This allows tools or other windowed applications to behave properly under KWin.
This variable can be set to the following values:
"0" - The indicator bar is not hidden (default for windowed applications)
"1" - The indicator bar is hidden and is shown when the screen is touched (useful for movie playback applications)
"2" - The indicator bar is dim and the first swipe makes it visible and the second swipe performs the "home" action (default for fullscreen applications)
Dominik Reichardt
As discussed in 2012 the iOS onscreen keyboard hides when you hit RETURN (see
IMO this is a bad idea to not be able to influence this behavior and just recently this was fixed for Android by adding the hint SDL_HINT_ANDROID_RETURN_HIDES_IME in changeset 11768 6ce3bb5e38a5.
According to this GCC bug report, altivec.h requires building with the gnu extensions:
As an application developer, I don't want SDL to force me to enable the gnu extensions.
This isn't complete, but is enough to run testsprite2. It's currently
Mac-only; with a little work to figure out how to properly glue in a Metal
layer to a UIView, this will likely work on iOS, too.
This is only wired up to the configure script right now, and disabled by
default. CMake and Xcode still need their bits filled in as appropriate.
XAudio2 doesn't have capture support, so WASAPI was to replace it; the holdout
was WinRT, which still needed it as its primary audio target until the WASAPI
code code be made to work.
The support matrix now looks like:
WinXP: directsound by default, winmm as a fallback for buggy drivers.
Vista+: WASAPI (directsound and winmm as fallbacks for debugging).
Seems latest google angle library successfully built & tested under macOS'es.
We need to use GLES2 to implement true cross-platform code.
New functions get and set the YUV colorspace conversion mode:
SDL_ConvertPixels() converts between all supported RGB and YUV formats, with SSE acceleration for converting from planar YUV formats (YV12, NV12, etc) to common RGB/RGBA formats.
Added a new test program, testyuv, to verify correctness and speed of YUV conversion functionality.
I noticed that after updating SDL to 2.0.6 my application now exports SDL_main.
At GitHub SDL mirror (branch 2.0.5) SDL_main prototyped as
extern C_LINKAGE int SDL_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
but at branch 2.0.6 prototype is
extern C_LINKAGE DECLSPEC int SDL_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
Ozkan Sezer
EMX declares _beginthread() / _endthread() in stdlib.h, not process.h.
The attached patch updates the OS/2 case of SDL_thread.h for it. (It
also tidies the unreadable whitespace in win32 case.)
Note that apps submitted to the iOS App Store *must* use a modern iOS SDK (currently iOS 10 is probably the minimum), however the SDK used to build is separate from the minimum iOS version an app supports at runtime.
Ozkan Sezer
The patch below changes HAVE_COPYSIGN macro in SDL_config_windows.h to
HAVE__COPYSIGN, so that _copysign() can be used in SDL_stdlib.h which
is available in many more windows-targeting toolchains such as MinGW,
MSVC >= 6, etc, and not just MSVC >= 2013. SDL_stdlib.c already has a
specific check for HAVE__COPYSIGN, so I believe this is reasonable.
Simon Hug
When RWops seeks with fseek or fseeko it uses the types long or off_t which can be 32 bits on some platforms. stdio_seek does not check if the 64-bit integer for the offset fits into a 32-bit integer. Offsets equal or larger than 2 GiB will have implementation-defined behavior and failure states would be very confusing to debug.
The attached patch adds range checking by using the macros from limits.h for long type and some bit shifting for off_t because POSIX couldn't be bothered to specify min and max macros.
It also defines HAVE_FSEEKI64 in SDL_config_windows.h so that the Windows function gets picked up automatically with the default config.
And there's an additional error message for when ftell fails.
Ozkan Sezer
HAVE_LIBSAMPLERATE_H is depending on HAVE_LIBC in current
HAVE_FCITX_FRONTEND_H, and HAVE_ALTIVEC_H have the same situation too.
I suggest something like the following, which moves them out of the
HAVE_LIBC confinement and also moves the windows dx header stuff along
side them. (Not ideal, but a bit cleaner I think.)
Ozkan Sezer
Cmake checks for float.h, but configure does not: the attached patch
adds float.h to checked headers in configury, and it adds the missing
HAVE_FLOAT_H macro to SDL_config.h.cmake and
In SDL_config_macosx.h and SDL_config_windows.h, defined HAVE_FLOAT_H
as 1, where I know that it's true.
Ozkan Sezer
Revision 288 ( excluded the
Watcom compiler from forcing 4 byte structure packing in begin_code.h.
However, it missed updating close_code.h, which now has an unbalanced
#pragma pack(pop) if the compiler is Watcom. The issue seems to have
crawled into SDL2, too.
We would like to add a switch (define) that allows us to compile Angle statically with SDL. That is, getting rid of the OpenGL DLL. Usually you need OpenGL to be loaded dynamically as DLL because implementation is provided by the system but no need with Angle.
Only 2 files need modification and it shouldn't affect current behaivor:
include/SDL_egl.h and src/video/SDL_egl.c, as in here
The flag name could be SDL_VIDEO_STATIC_ANGLE (instead of NATIVE_TOOLKIT_STATIC_ANGLE) as discussed here
We have tested this with both Windows and UWP, using NME engine (
Releated issue:
Android haptic code was not added to CMakeLists.txt, leading to build failures when targeting Android platform.
Attached patch adds Android haptic driver to source sets and adds configuration parameter to SDL_config.h.cmake.
This patch was originally written by Marc Di Luzio for glX and enhanced by
Maximilian Malek for WGL, etc. Thanks to both of you!
Fixes Bugzilla #3643.
Fixes Bugzilla #3735.
Charles Huber
The event timestamp members should be documented to indicate their meaning and units.
Currently the timestamps are populated using SDL_GetTicks() in SDL_PushEvent() in SDL_events.c.
Original bug report (note that it was against 2.0.0, it might have been fixed in between):
Package: libsdl2-2.0-0
Version: 2.0.0+dfsg1-3
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
I have occasional crashes here caused by the X11 backend of SDL2. It seems to
be caused by the X11_Pending function trying to add a high number (> 1024)
file descriptor to a fd_set before doing a select on it to avoid busy waiting
on X11 events. This causes a buffer overflow because the file descriptor is
larger (or equal) than the limit FD_SETSIZE.
Attached is a possible workaround patch.
Please also keep in mind that fd_set are also used in following files which
may have similar problems.
On Tuesday 24 December 2013 00:43:13 Sven Eckelmann wrote:
> I have occasional crashes here caused by the X11 backend of SDL2. It seems
> to be caused by the X11_Pending function trying to add a high number (>
> 1024) file descriptor to a fd_set before doing a select on it to avoid busy
> waiting on X11 events. This causes a buffer overflow because the file
> descriptor is larger (or equal) than the limit FD_SETSIZE.
I personally experienced this problem while hacking on the python bindings
package for SDL2 [1] (while doing make runtest). But it easier to reproduce in
a smaller, synthetic testcase.
Rainer Deyke
I've written a small patch that adds a small SDL_DuplicateSurface function to SDL. I've written the function as part of a larger (as yet unfinished) patch, but I think this function is useful enough that it merits inclusion in SDL on its own.
Ozkan Sezer
Attached three patches, so these minor os/2 bits get registered mainstream:
1. SDL_syswm.h: add SDL_SYSWM_OS2 to SDL_SYSWM_TYPE enum
2. SDL_platform.h: recognize __EMX__ too as __OS2__
3. begin_code.h: set SDLCALL as _System for OS/2.
Seems to be a missing functionality. I want to set an icon from RC file. I cant pass MAKEINTRESOURCE(X) string to SDL_RegisterApp() cause string returned by MAKEINTRESOURCE string is not actually a string and SDL_strlen will crash. Moreover LoadImage seems to be loading wrong icon size. LoadIcon seems to be fine.
Juha Niemim?
On AmigaOS 4 platform with Newlib 'C' library, there is a problem with failing fseeko64. This seemed to be caused by using fopen instead of fopen64.
Reading there is no mention what the angle means. Normally in a mathematically environment positive angles translate to counter-clockwise rotations, but in SDL positive angles means clockwise rotation.
The attached patch adds support for KMS/DRM context graphics.
It builds with no problem on X86_64 GNU/Linux systems, provided the needed libraries are present, and on ARM GNU/Linux systems that have KMS/DRM support and a GLES2 implementation.
Tested on Raspberry Pi: KMS/DRM is what the Raspberry Pi will use as default in the near future, once the propietary DispmanX API by Broadcom is overtaken by open graphics stack, it's possible to boot current Raspbian system in KMS mode by adding "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" to config.txt on Raspbian's boot partition.
X86 systems use KMS right away in every current GNU/Linux system.
Simple build instructions:
$./configure --enable-video-kmsdrm
Simon Hug
SDL_GL_GetAttribute doesn't check if a video driver has been initialized and will access the SDL_VideoDevice pointer, which is NULL at that point.
I think all of the attributes require an initialized driver, so a simple NULL check should fix it. Patch is attached.
Holger Schemel
Summary: This patch adds support for key events for the "rewind" and "fast forward" media keys on the Amazon Fire TV remote control.
How to reproduce the problem: Run Android build of SDL2 application on the Amazon Fire TV (tested with "stick" version) and log key events.
Expected behaviour: Every key pressed on the Fire TV remote control should result in a corresponding key event (pressed/released).
Observed behaviour: Of the bottom row of buttons on the Fire TV remote control, only the "play/pause" (middle) button generates a key event, while the "rewind" (left) and "fast forward" (right) buttons to not generate any event at all.
The attached patch adds support for these two missing buttons/keys.
Note 1: Some missing definitions were added for the already existing key codes SDL_SCANCODE_APP1 and SDL_SCANCODE_APP2 (to keep up the correct order of enumerations / array positions when adding the two new key codes).
Note 2: Definitions in "scancodes_linux.h" and "scancodes_xfree86.h" (to also add support for these keys on other platforms) were added without testing. However, I was unable to find corresponding definitions for these two media keys for Windows and Mac OS X.
Note 3: I have also updated the (broken) link to the USB usage page standard PDF document (comment in "include/SDL_scancode.h").
Ozkan Sezer
(In reply to Ryan C. Gordon from comment #9)
> I've put this patch in as ...can
> you verify this works on the latest MinGW?
> Thanks,
> --ryan.
This patch is wrong: the structure in question has nothing to do with any
gcc version in use. I suggest reverting this adding a conigury check for
it, instead. Something like the following should do it: (configure needs
Simon Hug
There's a chance that an audio conversion from many channels to a few can use more than 9 audio filters. SDL_AudioCVT has 10 SDL_AudioFilter pointers of which one has to be the terminating NULL pointer. The SDL code has no checks for this limit. If it overflows there can be stack or heap corruption or a call to 0xa.
Attached patch adds a function that checks for this limit and throws an error if it is reached. Also adds some documentation.
Test parameters that trigger this issue:
AUDIO_U16MSB with 224 channels at 46359 Hz
AUDIO_S16MSB with 6 channels at 27463 Hz
The fuzzer program I uploaded in bug 3667 has more of them.